Maria, or the Wrongs of Woman eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 162 pages of information about Maria, or the Wrongs of Woman.

Maria, or the Wrongs of Woman eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 162 pages of information about Maria, or the Wrongs of Woman.

“As her daughter grew up, she was pampered with cakes and fruit, while I was, literally speaking, fed with the refuse of the table, with her leavings.  A liquorish tooth is, I believe, common to children, and I used to steal any thing sweet, that I could catch up with a chance of concealment.  When detected, she was not content to chastize me herself at the moment, but, on my father’s return in the evening (he was a shopman), the principal discourse was to recount my faults, and attribute them to the wicked disposition which I had brought into the world with me, inherited from my mother.  He did not fail to leave the marks of his resentment on my body, and then solaced himself by playing with my sister.—­I could have murdered her at those moments.  To save myself from these unmerciful corrections, I resorted to falshood, and the untruths which I sturdily maintained, were brought in judgment against me, to support my tyrant’s inhuman charge of my natural propensity to vice.  Seeing me treated with contempt, and always being fed and dressed better, my sister conceived a contemptuous opinion of me, that proved an obstacle to all affection; and my father, hearing continually of my faults, began to consider me as a curse entailed on him for his sins:  he was therefore easily prevailed on to bind me apprentice to one of my step-mother’s friends, who kept a slop-shop in Wapping.  I was represented (as it was said) in my true colours; but she, ‘warranted,’ snapping her fingers, ’that she should break my spirit or heart.’

“My mother replied, with a whine, ’that if any body could make me better, it was such a clever woman as herself; though, for her own part, she had tried in vain; but good-nature was her fault.’

“I shudder with horror, when I recollect the treatment I had now to endure.  Not only under the lash of my task-mistress, but the drudge of the maid, apprentices and children, I never had a taste of human kindness to soften the rigour of perpetual labour.  I had been introduced as an object of abhorrence into the family; as a creature of whom my step-mother, though she had been kind enough to let me live in the house with her own child, could make nothing.  I was described as a wretch, whose nose must be kept to the grinding stone—­and it was held there with an iron grasp.  It seemed indeed the privilege of their superior nature to kick me about, like the dog or cat.  If I were attentive, I was called fawning, if refractory, an obstinate mule, and like a mule I received their censure on my loaded back.  Often has my mistress, for some instance of forgetfulness, thrown me from one side of the kitchen to the other, knocked my head against the wall, spit in my face, with various refinements on barbarity that I forbear to enumerate, though they were all acted over again by the servant, with additional insults, to which the appellation of bastard, was commonly added, with taunts or sneers.  But I will not attempt to give you an adequate idea of my situation, lest you, who probably have never been drenched with the dregs of human misery, should think I exaggerate.

Project Gutenberg
Maria, or the Wrongs of Woman from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.