Sweetapple Cove eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 268 pages of information about Sweetapple Cove.

Sweetapple Cove eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 268 pages of information about Sweetapple Cove.

After this I looked around again.  I know you don’t care for small boats, but it is delightful to be so close to the water, and it gives one a sense of keen pleasure one often misses in bigger ships.  They seem to be so much more alive.

I must acknowledge that after a time I began to observe the doctor again.  I presume it is a fault of our present education, Aunt Jennie, that we young girls are not much used to being neglected by young men.  This one was really paying little attention to me.  Even when a man’s daily garb includes a flannel shirt one expects him to be attentive, if he is nice.  Of course I don’t suppose any one here knows how to starch and iron white shirts and collars, so that the doctor can’t help his raiment, which is better adapted to the local fashions.  You must not think that he seems to be restrained by a sense of respectful deference especially due to the daughter of one whom the silly papers are fond of referring to as belonging to the tribe of magnates.  His manners are perfectly civil and courteous, showing that he has been accustomed to move among nice people.  He took the trouble to ask whether I were comfortable, to suggest a rug which I declined and to ask if there was anything else he could do.  But after that he went forward to practise his French on Yves, who frequently grinned with pleasure.  Nor has he seemed to be particularly elated at the privilege of attending a rich yacht owner, who may represent a decent fee.  I know perfectly well that he takes a great deal more interest in the fisherman we went to see.

The island towards which we were sailing was rising from the sea, and Sammy pointed it out to me, in the distance, faintly azure in the slight haze.  We were sailing with a fair wind, our little sails drawing steadily and the forefoot casting spray before it in pearly showers.

“Won’t you let me take her?” I asked.

Sammy opened astonished eyes and doubtfully relinquished the tiller to me.  Isn’t it queer how people of our sort are always deemed to be quite helpless with their hands?  I may boast of the fact that the ancient mariner was soon satisfied that his craft was in fairly competent ones.  I had to use just a little more strength than I had expected to, and to stand and brace myself against the pull.  But it was glorious and made me feel to its full extent the delight of the sea.  In a moment I felt that my cheeks were red enough to satisfy Daddy himself, who is always a strenuous advocate of robustious femininity.  He has no use for the wilted-flower effect in girls.  My locks, of course, were disporting themselves as they pleased, and I am sure that I began there and then to strew the bottom of our ship with hairpins.

Then I got the one great genuine compliment of my youthful existence.

La belle dame qui gouverne!” exclaimed Yves’ little boy.

Project Gutenberg
Sweetapple Cove from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.