The Doctrine and Practice of Yoga eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about The Doctrine and Practice of Yoga.

The Doctrine and Practice of Yoga eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about The Doctrine and Practice of Yoga.
into the Passive Mind through concentration, suggestion and willing before the latter can be started to work along any line of creative effort. This suggestion may be given by you to your sub-conscious mind or it may come as an outer impression.  Unless you control your Passive Mind, it is sure to be controlled by others.  Then you are a slave.  Now in cultivating the above seven qualities, you should take up one word at a time and let the outer form sink into your mind.  Place yourself in a relaxed and passive condition.  Close your eyes and picture the form of the word to yourself, for instance, D-E-T-E-R-M-I-N-A-T-I-O-N.  Employ the Imagination and visualize mentally.  This done, i.e., when the word-picture is well photographed upon your mind and fastened in place, your next step will be to picture yourself the Ideas, qualities, physical and mental characteristics, etc., associated with the word.  Your third step is to calmly, concentratedly and confidently command your Passive Mind to generate that quality.  Remember, your mind will at first rebel, but a very little persistence will lead to complete success.  Repeat the auto-suggestions daily at the same time.  See that it manifests in Action.  Act it out as often as possible.  Of course your efforts will be imperfect to begin with, but, never mind, go ahead, keeping firm hold on your “I can and I will” in spite of all things and success is quite certain.  Once you have developed these seven qualities, you can do anything.

(f) Do not let your friends or anyone—­no matter who!—­deflect you from your resolutions.  “Let not thy right hand know what thy left hand does.”  Talk never.  Let results show.  The Lord has hidden himself best and His work is wonderful beyond compare!  Your very friends and relatives will spit upon you for lacking any of these qualities.  Do not ever impose your will upon others, but never let others to impose upon you against the sanction of your own judgment.  In fact, none can unless you are a weakling and fickle-minded.

(g) Frequent the company of chaste, strong-willed men and you cannot but grow strong.

(h) Read Literature on this subject and obtain all possible aid through Knowledge.

(i) If your faculty of imagination and idealism are undeveloped, cultivate them, because it is these two that make a god of a man.  Philosophers, scholars, poets and musicians have them well-developed.  But where imagination is uncontrolled by higher reason and where idealism is not backed by a strong will, there you have the idle ’dreamer of dreams’ and such a state of mind is reprehensible and pitiable indeed!

(j) Will-Power grows by faith in one’s ability by exercise; by devotion to the UNCONDITIONED SPIRIT.

Project Gutenberg
The Doctrine and Practice of Yoga from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.