A Voyage to Arcturus eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 355 pages of information about A Voyage to Arcturus.

A Voyage to Arcturus eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 355 pages of information about A Voyage to Arcturus.

“I do not mock it.”

“Ask me your questions, and I will answer them.”

“I have nothing.”

“It is necessary for you to serve me, Maskull.  Do you not understand?  You are my servant and helper.”

“I shall not fail.”

“This is for my sake, and not for yours.”

These last words had no sooner left Surtur’s mouth than Maskull saw him spring suddenly upward and outward.  Looking up at the vault of the sky, he saw the whole expanse of vision filled by Surtur’s form—­ not as a concrete man, but as a vast, concave cloud image, looking down and frowning at him.  Then the spectacle vanished, as a light goes out.

Maskull stood inactive, with a thumping heart.  Now he again heard the solitary trumpet note.  The sound began this time faintly in the far distance in front of him, travelled slowly toward him with regularly increasing intensity, passed overhead at its loudest, and then grew more and more quiet, wonderful, and solemn, as it fell away in the rear, until the note was merged in the deathlike silence of the forest.  It appeared to Maskull like the closing of a marvellous and important chapter.

Simultaneously with the fading away of the sound, the heavens seemed to open up with the rapidity of lightning into a blue vault of immeasurable height.  He breathed a great breath, stretched all his limbs, and looked around him with a slow smile.

After a while he resumed his journey.  His brain was all dark and confused, but one idea was already beginning to stand out from the rest—­huge, shapeless, and grand, like the growing image in the soul of a creative artist:  the staggering thought that he was a man of destiny.

The more he reflected upon all that had occurred since his arrival in this new world—­and even before leaving Earth—­the clearer and more indisputable it became, that he could not be here for his own purposes, but must be here for an end.  But what that end was, he could not imagine.

Through the forest he saw Branchspell at last sinking in the west.  It looked a stupendous ball of red fire—­now he could realise at his ease what a sun it was!  The avenue took an abrupt turn to the left and began to descend steeply.

A wide, rolling river of clear and dark water was visible in front of him, no great way off.  It flowed from north to south.  The forest path led him straight to its banks.  Maskull stood there, and regarded the lapping, gurgling waters pensively.  On the opposite bank, the forest continued.  Miles to the south, Poolingdred could just be distinguished.  On the northern skyline the Ifdawn Mountains loomed up—­high, wild, beautiful, and dangerous.  They were not a dozen miles away.

Project Gutenberg
A Voyage to Arcturus from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.