The Story of Crisco eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 304 pages of information about The Story of Crisco.

The Story of Crisco eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 304 pages of information about The Story of Crisco.

  For Dressing

1 tablespoonful Crisco 1 teaspoonful mustard 1 teaspoonful sugar 1/2 teaspoonful salt 1/4 teaspoonful white pepper 2 eggs 4 tablespoonfuls lemon juice 1 cupful whipped cream

  For Salad

1 quart chopped apples 1 pint diced celery 1-1/2 cupfuls blanched and shredded almonds 2/3 cupful rolled pecan nut meats

For salad. Mix apples, celery and nut meats.

For dressing. Melt Crisco, add mustard, sugar, salt, pepper, yolks of eggs well beaten, and lemon juice.  Cook in double boiler till it thickens, then add whites of eggs stiffly beaten.  Chill and add whipped cream just before serving.  Dressing should be mixed with fruit.

Asparagus Salad

  For Dressing

6 tablespoonfuls melted Crisco 1 teaspoonful salt 1/4 teaspoonful paprika Pinch black pepper 1 tablespoonful tarragon vinegar 2 tablespoonfuls cider vinegar 1 tablespoonful chopped cucumber pickles 1 tablespoonful chopped green peppers 1 teaspoonful chopped parsley 1 teaspoonful chopped chives 1 can asparagus or fresh cooked asparagus

Drain asparagus and chill.  Mix salt with paprika, add pepper, tarragon vinegar, cider vinegar, Crisco, pickles, peppers, parsley, and chives, mix well and pour over the asparagus.

Celery and Almond Salad

1 cupful melted Crisco 1 yolk of egg 1 tablespoonful lemon juice 1 tablespoonful vinegar 1 head celery 1/2 cupful blanched almonds 1 crisp lettuce Few drops green color 1/2 teaspoonful sugar 1 teaspoonful salt 1/2 teaspoonful mustard Red pepper to taste

Melt and cool Crisco.  Prepare celery and cut into very thin strips and plunge in ice water until wanted.  Blanch and shred almonds; wash and dry lettuce leaves.  Put yolk of egg into bowl, add mustard, salt, and red pepper and mix well with wooden spoon.  Add sugar, teaspoonful lemon juice, teaspoonful vinegar; beat in Crisco gradually.  Remove spoon and beat with egg beater five minutes, then beat in rest of lemon juice and vinegar.  Add more seasonings if needed and enough green color to make it look pretty.  Dry celery and mix with almonds, then toss them into dressing.  Serve on lettuce leaves.

Fruit Salad


1 tablespoonful Crisco Pinch of salt 2 tablespoonfuls sugar 2 tablespoonfuls vinegar 2 eggs 1/2 pint whipped cream


24 marshmallows 1 can pineapple 2 juicy apples 6 oranges Lettuce leaves

For salad. Cut fruit and marshmallows into small pieces, then mix and chill.

For dressing. Beat up eggs in double boiler, add vinegar, sugar, salt, Crisco and cook until thick.  Cool and add whipped cream.  Mix with fruit and serve on crisp lettuce leaves.

Project Gutenberg
The Story of Crisco from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.