The Story of Crisco eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 304 pages of information about The Story of Crisco.

The Story of Crisco eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 304 pages of information about The Story of Crisco.
Beans, Lima, Curried 220
Beans, String 188
Beets, Buttered 208
Beets, Creamed 177
Beets, New 203
Beets, Stuffed 71
Brussels Sprouts with Crisco 67
Cabbage, a la Creme 219
Cabbage, German Sour 179
Cabbage, Ladies’ 154
Carrot Fritters 175
Carrots, Glazed 188
Carrots, a la Poulette 203
Carrots, Viennese 72
Celeriac 217
Colcannon 67
Corn Creole 207
Corn Fritters 68
Corn Okra and Tomatoes 68
Cauliflower 207
Cauliflower, Curried 68
Cauliflower, au Gratin 155
Cauliflower, Fried 208
Egg Plant, en Casserole 69
Eggplant, Fried 205
Eggplant, Stuffed 71
Eggplant, Stuffed 216
Kohl Rabi, Creamed 203
Lentils and Rice 67
Lentils, Savory 70
Lettuce, Stewed 162
Mushrooms au Gratin 70
Mushrooms Cooked Under Glass Bells 154
Mushrooms, Grilled 164
Onions, Stewed 202
Onions, Stuffed 207
Onions, Stuffed with Nuts 184
Parsnips, Baked 67
Parsley, Fried
Project Gutenberg
The Story of Crisco from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.