The Charm of Oxford eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 99 pages of information about The Charm of Oxford.

The Charm of Oxford eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 99 pages of information about The Charm of Oxford.
administration of his day.  It was fitting that the movement for the revival of Church teaching in England in the nineteenth century should be an Oxford movement, and Newman’s pulpit at St. Mary’s and the chapel of Oriel College are sacred in the eyes of Anglicans all over the world.  In the interval between Laud and Newman, Church principles had found a different development in another Oxford man; John Wesley’s character and spiritual life were built up in Oxford, till he went forth to do the work of an Evangelist during more than half of the eighteenth century.  Wycliffe, More, Hooker, Laud, Wesley, Newman, these are not the names of men who have affected the religious history of the world as did Luther, Calvin or Ignatius Loyola; but they have affected profoundly the religious life of the English-speaking race, and Oxford must ever be a sacred place for their sakes.

And Oxford has been the starting-point of other than religious movements.  No place in England has such a claim on the Englishmen of the New World as has Oxford.  It was there that Richard Hakluyt taught geography, and collected in part his wonderful store of the tales of enterprise beyond the sea.  Sir Humphrey Gilbert and his half-brother, Sir Walter Raleigh, both Oxford men, were the founders of English colonization.  By their failures they showed the way to success later, and Calvert in Maryland, Penn in Pennsylvania, John Locke in the Carolinas, and Oglethorpe in Georgia are all Oxford men who rank as founders of States in the great Union of the West.  And in our own day, Cecil Rhodes has once more proved that the academic dreamer can go out and advance the development of a great continent.  By his magnificent foundation of scholarships at Oxford, he showed that he considered his old university a formative influence of the greatest importance in world history.  Oxford with reason puts up one tablet to mark his lodgings in the city, and another to commemorate him in her stately Examination Schools.

 [Plate II, St. Mary’s Spire]

But there are many to whom the past, whether in the realm of action or in the realm of ideas, does not appeal, whether it be from lack of knowledge or from lack of sympathy.  To some of these Oxford makes a different appeal as perhaps the best place in England for studying the development of English architecture.  The early Norman work of the Castle and St. Michael’s, the Transition work of the cathedral, the very early lancet windows of St. Giles’ Church (consecrated by the great St. Hugh of Lincoln himself), the Decorated Style as seen in St. Mary’s spire and in Merton chapel, the glories of the specially English style, the Perpendicular, in Wykeham’s work at New College and in Magdalen Tower, the Tudor magnificence of Wolsey’s work at Christ Church, the last flower of Gothic at Wadham and at St. John’s, the triumph of Wren’s genius, alike in the classical style at the Sheldonian and in “Gothic” as in Tom Tower, the Classical

Project Gutenberg
The Charm of Oxford from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.