The Lord of Dynevor eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 191 pages of information about The Lord of Dynevor.

The Lord of Dynevor eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 191 pages of information about The Lord of Dynevor.

She had had many thoughts herself during the still hours of this summer night, and when she bent over the sleeping child and wakened her by a kiss, she felt a strange tenderness towards her, which seemed to be reciprocated by the little one, who suddenly flung her arms about her neck and kissed her passionately.

“Is my father gone?” she asked, recollection coming back.

“Not gone, but going soon,” answered the Lady of Dynevor, smiling; “that is why I have come to waken thee early, little Gertrude, that thou mayest receive his farewell kiss and see him ride away.  Thou wilt not be grieved to be left with us for a while, little one?  Thou wilt not pine in his absence?”

“Not if I have you to take care of me,” answered the child confidingly —­ “you and Wendot and Griffeth.  I am weary of always travelling on rough roads.  I will gladly stay here a while with you.”

There was the bustle of preparation going on in the hall when the lady descended with the child hanging on to her hand.  Gertrude broke away and ran to her father, who was sitting at the board, with Wendot standing beside him listening eagerly to his talk.  The boy’s handsome face was alight, and he seemed full of eager interest in what was being said.  Lord Montacute frequently raised his head and gave the lad a look of keen scrutiny.  Even whilst caressing his little daughter his interest seemed to be centred in Wendot, and when at parting the lad held his stirrup for him, and gently restrained little Gertrude, who was in danger of being trampled on by the pawing charger, Lord Montacute looked for a moment very intently at the pair, and then let his glance wander for a moment over the grand fortress of Dynevor and the beautiful valley it commanded.

Then he turned once more to Wendot with a kindly though penetrating smile.

“In the absence of your father, Wendot, you are the master and guardian of this castle, its occupants and its treasures.  I render my little daughter into your safe keeping.  Of your hands I shall ask her back when I return in a week’s time.”

Wendot flushed with pleasure and gratification.  What boy does not like the thought of being looked upon as his father’s substitute?  He raised his head with a gesture of pride, and clasped the little soft hand of Gertrude more closely in his.

“I will take the trust, Lord Montacute,” he said.  “I will hold myself responsible for the safety of Lady Gertrude.  At my hands demand her when you return.  If she is not safe and well, take my life as the forfeit.”

Lord Montacute smiled slightly at the manly words and bearing of the lad, but he did not like him the less for either.  As for little Gertrude, she gazed up into the bold bright face of Wendot, and clasping his hand in hers, she said: 

“Am I to belong to you now?  I think I shall like that, you are so brave and so kind to me.”

The father gave the pair another of his keen looks, and rode off in the bright morning sunshine, promising not to be very long away.

Project Gutenberg
The Lord of Dynevor from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.