The Second Violin eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 258 pages of information about The Second Violin.

The Second Violin eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 258 pages of information about The Second Violin.

The snowfall was lightening again, and the small flame in the distance looked nearer.  He put his hands to his mouth and gave a long, clear hail.  He was answered by a similar one.  Then followed a peculiar musical call, which Just, recognising, answered ecstatically.

“It’s Jeff!” he shouted. “Whoop! I’ll bet he’s glad to hear us!”

He was.  He came plunging through the last big drift toward them, a snow-encrusted figure.  “Well, well!” he cried, in tones of pleasure and relief.  “I knew you’d come.  Where are we, anyhow?”

“A mile off the road.  Are you all right?  I see you’ve got a fire.  How’s—­”

“Evelyn’s all right, I think.  Since we managed the fire she’s fairly warm again.  Plucky as any girl in the crowd, and they’re all plucky.  How are we to get our load down to the road?”

“I brought ropes, and we’ve a strong pair back there.  We’ll go and get them, now that we know where you are.  You go back to your party and prepare them to be rescued.”

“No, Just can go to the camp, and I’ll keep on with you.”

Just, being entirely willing to accept the part of rescuer, plowed on through the big holes Jeff had left in his track.  Doctor Churchill and Jeff made their way back to Charlotte.

“Yes, we had rather a bad time for a while,” admitted Jeff, as he helped Andy make the horses ready to start.  “We got pretty cold, and I thought we’d never make the fire go.  Found the inside of an old stump at last, and got her started.  Yes, all the girls looked after Evelyn—­came pretty near smothering her.  I don’t believe she’s taken cold.  The snow’s letting up.  I can see our fire back there.  No, we didn’t see yours; we were just tooting on general principles.  Evelyn insisted she caught a glimmer, and I started out to climb a tree to find out.  I saw it then, for a minute, and was sure it was you.  Keep this fire going, Charlotte.  The storm may close down again, and we want to make straight tracks across the fields.”

By the time they reached the camp in the fields both Jeff and Doctor Churchill were pretty well wearied.  But they greeted the party there with an enthusiasm which matched the welcome they received.

The spirits of the whole company had risen with a jump the instant they had caught sight of Just, and now, with four horses to pull the ponderous sleigh through the drifts, the boys walking by its side and the girls tucked snugly in among the robes, the whole aspect of things was changed.  The situation lost seriousness, and although each was prepared to make a thrilling tale of it for the various family circles when daylight came, nobody except Jeff really regretted the experience of the night.  When they reached Charlotte and the smaller sleigh, there was a great chorus of explanations.  She swiftly extracted Evelyn and took her in beside herself.

“Indeed, yes, I’m warm, Mrs. Churchill,” protested the girl.  Her voice showed that she was very tired, but her inflection was as cheerful as ever.  With a hot soapstone at her feet, a hot-water bag in her lap and Charlotte’s arm about her, she leaned back on the fur-clad shoulder beside her and rejoiced.  One thing was certain.  She had had a real Northern good time, with an exciting ending, and she was quite willing to be tired.

Project Gutenberg
The Second Violin from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.