Putnam's Word Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 372 pages of information about Putnam's Word Book.

Putnam's Word Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 372 pages of information about Putnam's Word Book.

sailable, a. navigable.

sailcloth, n. canvas, duck, tarpaulin, raven’s-duck.

sailing, n. navigation; circumnavigation (sailing round); orthodromics, orthodromy.

sailor, n. mariner, navigator, seaman, seafarer, tarpaulin, tar, salt, Jacky.

sailor’s song. chantey.

sailor’s wages. portage.

saint, n.  Associated Words:  canonize, canonization, hagiology, hagiologist, hagiolatry, hagiolater, hagiography, Hagiographa, dulia, legend, diptych, feretory, philatory, relic, apse, reliquary, shrine, saintism, sainthood, saintship, hagiographer, hierotheca.

sainted, a. holy, pious, saintly, consecrated; canonized.

Saint Vitus’s dance. chorea.  Associated Word:  choreic.

salable, a. vendible, marketable.  Antonyms:  unsalable, unmarketable.

salacious, a. lascivious, lecherous, concupiscent.  See lustful.

salad, n.  Associated Word:  acetarious.

sale, n. vendition, market; auction; handsel.

salient, a. prominent, conspicuous, noticeable, striking.

saliva, n. spittle, sputum, spit.  Associated Words:  salivate, salivation, insalivate, insalivation, salivant, salivary, ptyalism, salival, salivous, expectorant, drool, drivel, ptyalogogue, sialogogue, ptysmagogue.

sally, n. spring, leap; sortie; witticism, jest, frolic, escapade.

saloon, n. grogshop, barroom, groggery, dramshop.

sal soda. carbonate of soda.

salt, n. chloride of sodium.

salt, n. seasoning, flavor, savor, taste; piquancy, wit, sense, humor; old sailor.

saltness, n. salinity, salineness, saltiness.

salt of wisdom. alembroth.

saltpetre, n. potassium nitrate, nitre, nitrate of potash.

salt spring. saline.

salt works. salina.

salty, a. saline, brackish, saltish, salt, briny, saliferous.

salute, v. address, greet, hail, welcome, accost.—­n. salutation.

salvation, n. redemption.  Associated Word:  soteriology.

salve, n. ointment, cerate, embrocation, emollient, balm, unguent.

salve, v. anoint, embrocate, heal; remedy, cure.

sal-volatile, n. carbonate of ammonia, salts of hartshorn, smelling salts.

same, a. identical, invariable, uniform, analogous, similar, cognate; isomeric, isonomic.  Antonyms:  See different.

sameness, n. identity, identicalness, similarity, correspondence, uniformity, analogy, parity, invariability, parallelism; monotony; isomerism.

sample, n. specimen, example, illustration, exemplification, instance, pattern.

sanction, n. confirmation, ratification, authorization, penalty, punishment.

sanction, v. confirm, ratify, approve, countenance.

sanctity, n. godliness, saintliness, inviolability, sacredness.

sanctuary, n. shrine, sanctum, adytum; Holy of Holies; church, temple.

Project Gutenberg
Putnam's Word Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.