Putnam's Word Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 372 pages of information about Putnam's Word Book.

Putnam's Word Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 372 pages of information about Putnam's Word Book.

rummage, v. ransack.

runmy, a. (Slang) strange, odd, freakish, singular.

rumor, n. hearsay, gossip, bruit, on dit.

rump, n. buttocks.

rump bone. aitchbone, edgebone, natch bone.

rumple, v. crumple, wrinkle, pucker, crease.

rumple, n. crumple, pucker, wrinkle, crease.

rumpus, n. (Colloq.) disturbance, quarrel, affray, brawl, row, fracas.

run, v. sprint, lope, scamper, scud, speed, his, hasten, scour, scuttle, flee, race, pace, gallop, trot; proceed, flow; melt, fuse; elapse, pass; pursue, follow, tag; stampede; abscond.

run, n. running, sprint, sprinting; course, series, repetition pressure, demand, importunity; generality.

run, n. brook, rill, streamlet, rivulet.

run after. pursue, follow, tag.

runagate, n. renegade, deserter, apostate, vagabond.

runaway, n. fugitive, absconder, deserter, truant, renegade.

runaway, a. fugitive, absconding, truant.

run away. flee, escape, desert, elope, abscond.

run away with. accompany.

run down. decline, deteriorate; decry, belittle, disparage, derogate.

rung, n. round, rime, rundle (of a ladder).

run into. collide.

runner, n. racer, sprinter; messenger, courier.

running, a. successive, consecutive; flowing, easy, cursive; continuous; trailing.

running after. pursuit.

running away. desertion, fleeing, absconding, elopement.

running down. decline, deterioration; decrial, disparagement.

running into. collision.

running out. expiration, extension, expatiation, extinction.

run out. expire; extend, spread; expatiate, descant; become extinct.

run over. overflow.

runround, n. (Colloq.) felon, whitlow.

runt, n. dwarf, pygmy.

run through. squander, dissipate; transfix, impale, pierce.

ruption, n. breach, rupture.

rupture, n. disruption, breach; hernia.

rural, a. rustic, country, countrified, pastoral, bucolic, agrestic.

ruralism, n. ruralness, rurality, rusticity.

ruralize, v. rusticate.

ruse, n. artifice, wile, trick, stratagem, maneuver, feint, dodge.

rush, v. press, hurry.

rush, n. activity, demand.

Russia, n.  Associated Words:  Russian, russianize, Russification, russify, Russophile, Russophobia, Russophobe, Duma, vodka.

Russian peasant. muzhik, moujik.

rust, n. corrosion, aerugo, verdigris; mildew, blight, mould; pating.

rust, v. corrode; degenerate (in idleness), decline.

rustic, a. rural, country, agrestic; unpolished, countrified, uncouth, rude, rough; coarse, plain, simple, inelegant, homely; artless, unaffected.

rustic, n. countryman, farmer; boor, churl, hind, put, carl, yokel.

Project Gutenberg
Putnam's Word Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.