Putnam's Word Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 372 pages of information about Putnam's Word Book.

Putnam's Word Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 372 pages of information about Putnam's Word Book.

mainland, n. continent.

mainly, adv. principally, chiefly, largely.

maintain, v. support, sustain; affirm, assert, contend, claim; conduct.

maintenance, n. support, sustenance.

majestic, a. august, imperial, regal, splendid, magnificent, imposing.

majesty, n. grandeur, magnificence, augustness, splendor.

major, a. greater, larger.  Antonym:  minor.

majority, n. seniority, manhood; plurality.  Antonyms:  minority, youth.

make, v. force, compel, coerce, constrain, require, necessitate, occasion, oblige; create, construct, fabricate manufacture, compose, invent, prepare, concoct, shape, form, forge.

make, n. construction, shape, form, structure, conformation

make account of. esteem, regard.

make away. alienate, transfer, make over.

make believe. feign, pretend, simulate, personate, affect.

make-believe, a. feigned, mock, sham, counterfeit, spurious, supposititious, simulated.

make-believe, n. pretense, simulation, affectation, feint.

make bold. presume, venture, dare; embolden.

make good. fulfill, vindicate, justify, establish; indemnify, reimburse, requite; verify, corroborate, confirm, ratify, substantiate.

make headway. advance, progress, thrive, prosper.

make known. declare, announce, publish, report, proclaim.

make little of. belittle, decry, disparage.

make love to. court, woo, spark.

make out. decipher.

make over, transfer, alienate, convey; remodel, rebuild, reconstruct, revamp.

make peace between, mediate, intercede, reconcile, propitiate, pacify, conciliate.

maker, n. manufacturer, constructor, producer.

makeshift, n. expedient, substitute.

make sport of. deride, ridicule, jeer.

make unfriendly. disaffect, alienate, estrange.

make up. reconcile, adjust, compose, settle; collect, amass, accumulate; supply, complete, provide.

make up for.  See make good.

make up to. accost, address, salute, speak to.

make up with. become reconciled.

make up a face. grimace.

make way. advance, proceed, progress.

making, n. construction, fabrication, workmanship, invention.

malady, n. disorder, distemper, ailment, complaint, disease.

malaria, n. miasma, miasm; fever and ague.

malarious, a. malarial, miasmatic.

male, a. masculine; staminate (Bot.).

malice, n. hatred, rancor, malevolence, animosity.

malicious, a. hateful, malevolent, rancorous, malignant.

malpractice, n. evil practice, misdoing, misbehavior.

maltreat, v.  See abuse.

maltreatment, n.  See abuse.

mammoth, a. colossal, gigantic, monstrous.

man, n. mortal, person, individual, adult, someone; mankind, humanity; valet; Primates, Anthropidae.  Associated Words:  anthropology, anthropogeny, anthropography, anthropolite, anthropoid, anthropometry, anthropometric, anthropocentric, anthropomorphic, android, manikin, ecorche, pithecanthrope, androphobia.

Project Gutenberg
Putnam's Word Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.