Putnam's Word Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 372 pages of information about Putnam's Word Book.

Putnam's Word Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 372 pages of information about Putnam's Word Book.

given, a. granted, assumed; disposed, inclined; stated, specified.

give off. emit, exhale.

give out. announce, proclaim, publish, report; fail, be inadequate, be exhausted.

giver, n. donor.

give up. surrender, disgorge; yield, cease, desist, quit, relinquish, waive, cede, succumb, abdicate, abandon, desert.  Antonyms:  resist, withstand, continue, persist.

give way. withdraw, retire, recede; yield, collapse.

giving, n. conferring, bestowal, granting, benefaction.

giving and taking. reciprocity, reciprocation.

glad, a. pleased, delighted, happy, joyous, joyful, gratified, rejoiced, merry, exhilarated, elated, cheery, animated, gladsome, jubilant, felicitous, refreshing, exhilarating.  Antonyms:  sad, sorrowful.  See sad.

gladden, v. cheer, delight, please, exhilarate, gratify, buoy, elate, rejoice.

gladness, n. delight, pleasure, elation, exhilaration, jubilation, rejoicing.

glamour, n. charm, witchery, magic, spell; illusion, glitter, delusion, glory.  Antonyms:  disillusionment, disenchantment.

glance, n. glimpse; allusion; gleam, flash, glitter.

glance, v. glimpse; allude, hint; gleam, beam, glitter.

glare, v. glitter, glisten, dazzle; frown, glower.

glaring, a. dazzling, intense, brilliant; flagrant, notorious, barefaced.

glass, n. flint glass, crystal glass; aventurine; murrhine glass; strass (artificial gems); schmelze (Bohemian glass); crystal, obsidian.

glass, n. tumbler, goblet, bumper, beaker, schooner, bocal; decanter; carafe; looking-glass, mirror, speculum, cheval glass, pier glass; lens, spyglass, microscope, telescope, binocular, binocle, opera glass, lorgnette, polyscope, altiscope, optigraph, prism, reflector, refractor; hourglass; barometer; hydrometer; pipette; graduate; hygrometer; monocle; cloche; bolthead, matrass.

glass, n.  Associated Words:  vitrifacture, vitrifaction, vitrics, vitrify, vitriform, vitrified, vitrifiable, vitric, devitrify, devitrification, glazier, glazing, crizzel, invitrifiable vitreous, vitrescent, vitrescence, hyalography.

glasses, n. pl. spectacles, eye-glasses, pince-nez, goggles, blinkers, barnacles, lorgnette, louchettes.

glassy, a. vitreous, crystalline, transparent, crystal.

Glauber’s salt. sulphate of soda.

gleam, v. glimmer, glitter, radiate, beam, scintillate, sparkle.

gleam, n. beam, ray, glimmer, glance, flash; splendor, sparkle, gleaming.

glee, n. merriment, joy, mirth, gayety.

gleeful, a. merry, gay, mirthful.

gleety, a. ichorous.

glib, a. smooth, slippery; fluent, voluble, bland, oily.

glimmering, n. glimmer, glimpse, inkling, glance.

glimpse, n. glance; flash; inkling.

glisten, v. sparkle, shine, gleam, flash, glitter, glister.

Project Gutenberg
Putnam's Word Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.