Putnam's Word Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 372 pages of information about Putnam's Word Book.

Putnam's Word Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 372 pages of information about Putnam's Word Book.

gawky, a. ungraceful, clumsy, ungainly, loutish, boorish, uncouth.

gay, a. merry, sportive, frolicsome, lively, exhilarating, vivacious, jolly, blithe, airy, boon, convivial, jovial, joyous; brilliant, dashing, gallant, showy; garish, gaudy, flashing, tawdry; (Colloq.) loose, dissolute, fast.

gayety, n. merriment, mirth, hilarity, sportiveness, conviviality, joviality, light-heartedness, elation.

gear, n. rigging, tackle, gearing, mechanism, draught-gear; accouterments, trappings.

geld, v. castrate.

gem, n. jewel.

general, a. indefinite, vague, ill-defined; prevalent, extensive; usual, common, ordinary, regular.  Antonyms:  specific, definite.

generality, n. bulk, common run, mass, main body; universality, generalness.

generalship, n. strategy.

generate, v. procreate, beget, engender, reproduce; originate, produce, propagate.

generation, n. procreation, reproduction, prolification, begetting; origination, production, formation.

generative, a. generating, procreative, genial.

generosity, n. magnanimity, nobleness; liberality, munificence, bounty, bountifulness, beneficence, lavishsess.

generous, a. magnanimous, noble, highminded, ingenuous; munificent, bountiful, open-handed, liberal, lavish, charitable, unstinted; abundant, plentiful, overflowing.  Antonyms:  illiberal, ungenerous, stingy, scant, miserly, penurious.

genial, a. generative, procreative; cheerful, pleasant, agreeable, cordial, friendly, hearty.

genitals, n. pl.  See sexual organs.

gentle, a. well-born, genteel, high-born; docile, tractable, tame, subdued; mild, quiet, peaceable, meek, unobtrusive; bland, soothing, pacific, clement, tender, humane; courteous, cultivated, deferential.  Antonyms:  drastic, refractory, vicious, brusque, harsh, rough, severe, rigorous, intractable, indocile.

gentleman, n.  Antonyms:  cad, boor, churl, Philistine, guy, lout.

gentlemanly, a. courteous, deferential, polite, urbane, gallant, well-bred.

genuine, a. authentic, veritable, sterling, unmixed, real, pure; sincere, heartfelt, unaffected.  Antonyms:  spurious, counterfeit, false, supposititious, adulterated.

germ, n. origin, first principle; embryo, bud, seed, spore.

German, a.  Teutonic.

german, a. related, allied.

German, n.  Teuton.

German characteristic.  Germanism, Teutonicism.

germane, a. related, allied, akin, relevant, appropriate.

German Federal Council.  Bundesrath.

German House of Representatives.  Reichstag.

German measles. rubella.

German silver. packfong.

germ destroyer. germicide.

gesture, n. gesticulation, gesturing.—­v. gesticulate.

get, v. procure, obtain, acquire, secure, gain, achieve, attain, realize; induce, persuade, prevail on, win; betake remove; receive; beget, procreate, engender.

Project Gutenberg
Putnam's Word Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.