The Silence: What It Is and How To Use It eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 49 pages of information about The Silence.

The Silence: What It Is and How To Use It eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 49 pages of information about The Silence.

The real part of me is Spirit, not matter.  I believe that this body of mine is a Tabernacle for the Spirit.  The real “I am” within me is therefore Spirit.  The real “me” is Spirit.

This Spirit is the God Spirit.  This is what Jesus meant when in the fourteenth chapter of John and again in the seventeenth chapter of the same Gospel, speaking to His Disciples He referred to “I in you, you in Me and We in God.”

My Spirit is a part of the God Spirit.  God is health, God is perfection, God is abundance, God is harmonious.  Therefore, the real “I am” is God; the real “I am” is health, perfection, abundance and harmony.

When I am sick I know that it is the material of me that is sick, not the God Spirit; it is my physical being which is out of harmony, it is this Tabernacle of which Paul speaks, housing my spirit, which gives me pain and suffering.  The real “me” is not sick, it is my body.

For centuries we have held to a wrong idea of life.  We have thought that life is material; but life is spiritual, it is the invisible within me which is eternal, which is God.  Many still believe that life is material and matter, instead of mind and spirit.  I no longer hold that conception.  I believe that all is mind and Spirit.

Just here is where the healing methods of drugs and the scientist’s explanation of life is so limited.  Not until we recognize that life is really a thing of spirit—­not matter but mind—­not material but spiritual—­do we come into an understanding of Truth.

Jesus said, “God is Spirit,” and on different occasions told His Disciples that this Spirit was within them as well as within Himself.  Therefore, this same Spirit is within me and this same Spirit is the God Spirit of health, abundance, happiness, harmony and perfection.

God is all health, all abundance, all harmony, peace and perfection.  Therefore the God Spirit within me is the same.  I am sick in body; not in mind, not in Spirit.

Inasmuch as I cannot conceive of God being sick neither can I conceive of my Spirit being sick.  My spirit is health, perfection and harmony.  My body may not be well, but since mind is all, since this material is subject to the spiritual, since matter is subject to mind, I believe and affirm that my health does not depend upon matter but upon the God Spirit within me.  It depends not upon the material but the spiritual, upon the God mind within.

Just as wood when made into a violin and properly tuned, will give forth harmony, so my body, though made in the material, when properly tuned by mind will give forth harmonious living, perfect health.

As the tree standing in the forest may be made into the violin music box of harmony, so my body, the material in the forest of matter, may be put in tune, become harmonious and be raised to perfection by the Master Musician, God—­His mind within me.

God is all health.  No one could conceive of God as being sick.  I can visualize only the eternal spirit of the Infinite Father.  Perfection existing in everything and I being a child in Spirit, am well, whole and complete in Spirit.  My real “I am” is well.

Project Gutenberg
The Silence: What It Is and How To Use It from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.