The Silence: What It Is and How To Use It eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 49 pages of information about The Silence.

The Silence: What It Is and How To Use It eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 49 pages of information about The Silence.

If the leader in the Silence should be intoning, there will be many in the audience who will feel tinkling sensations—­vibrations—­and often are instantly healed.  They have been instantly re-harmonized.  Sometimes it may take several intonings in the Silence for a complete healing.  Should you have a violent vibration, feel no fear, but thank God for your healing because the more violent the vibration perhaps the worse has been your condition and the more surely has the re-harmony begun.  Some people will feel this vibration for hours, even days, throughout which there is always healing.

Others may not feel the vibration at all, yet if there has been any inharmony in the bodily organs, these organs are unconscious to the conscious intoning re-harmonization.  Many people who have been healed of divers and many malignant diseases were at no time conscious of any vibration.  Never be discouraged if you feel no sensation.  If you do feel a vibration, know that you are susceptible and on the high road to a healing demonstration.

The one intoning may or may not be feeling vibrations.  Religion is the life of God in the soul of Man.  The Silence is the medium by which the life of God and the soul of man are brought into At-one-ment.

The Silence is a medium by which man comes in a closer touch with the Infinite; a medium by which man becomes conscious of his nearness to the Infinite.  The Silence is the meeting place where man’s spirit links with God’s spirit; where spirit meets spirit and the marvel of His grace never ceases.

The Silence is another way of praying, which is another way of concentration.  It is another way of visualization.

“As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.”  In the Silence a man can by his thoughts change his life, his conditions, his environment, his all.  By right thinking man becomes harmonious.  A harmonious man—­in tune with the Infinite—­is on the King’s highway to health, success, abundance, prosperity, happiness, love and peace.

By means of wrong thinking our minds are put out of harmony with the great Infinite spirit of God.  “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.”  When wrong thinking becomes right thinking, then man’s right relationship to God is restored.  He becomes an open channel for the influx of the spirit so that whatever demonstration he may desire he may have.

In the Silence a man may change his thinking as in no other way, therefore, may change his heart, change his whole being, change his environment, change every condition to which he was subject.

The human body may be likened to a harp.  When man thinks rightly his body is in tune; but wrong thinking creates inharmony in the body and produces sickness.  Wrong thinking produces inharmony in the mind, which, of course, disconnects man from rightful association with the Divine.  A man must, therefore, think right.  Yet, because of centuries of erroneous conception of God and of the world, man has been a negative instead of a positive being, and his unwisdom has reacted upon the present generation.

Project Gutenberg
The Silence: What It Is and How To Use It from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.