Selected Stories of Bret Harte eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 447 pages of information about Selected Stories of Bret Harte.

Selected Stories of Bret Harte eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 447 pages of information about Selected Stories of Bret Harte.

Then for three or four days he resolved to put the young girl from his mind, trusting after the fashion of his kind for some special revelation from a supreme source as an indication for his conduct.  This revelation presently occurred, as it is apt to occur when wanted.

One evening his heart leaped at the familiar sound of Pepita’s guitar in the distance.  Whatever his ultimate intention now, he hurriedly ran into the garden.  The sound came from the former direction, but as he unhesitatingly approached the Mission wall, he could see that she was not upon it, and as the notes of her guitar were struck again, he knew that they came from the other side.  But the chords were a prelude to one of his own hymns, and he stood entranced as her sweet, childlike voice rose with the very words that he had sung.  The few defects were those of purely oral imitation, the accents, even the slight reiteration of the “s,” were Pepita’s own: 

     Cheeldren oof the Heavenly King,
     As ye journey essweetly ssing;
     Essing your great Redeemer’s praise,
     Glorioos in Hees works and ways.

He was astounded.  Her recollection of the air and words was the more wonderful, for he remembered now that he had only sung that particular hymn once.  But to his still greater delight and surprise, her voice rose again in the second verse, with a touch of plaintiveness that swelled his throat: 

     We are traveling home to God,
     In the way our farzers trod,
     They are happy now, and we
     Soon their happiness shall see.

The simple, almost childish words—­so childish that they might have been the fitting creation of her own childish lips—­here died away with a sweep and crash of the whole strings.  Breathless silence followed, in which Stephen Masterton could feel the beatings of his own heart.

“Miss Ramirez,” he called, in a voice that scarcely seemed his own.  There was no reply.  “Pepita!” he repeated; it was strangely like the accent of a lover, but he no longer cared.  Still the singer’s voice was silent.

Then he ran swiftly beside the wall, as he had seen her run, until he came to the fissure.  It was overgrown with vines and brambles almost as impenetrable as an abatis, but if she had pierced it in her delicate crape dress, so could he!  He brushed roughly through, and found himself in a glimmering aisle of pear trees close by the white wall of the Mission church.

For a moment in that intricate tracing of ebony and ivory made by the rising moon, he was dazzled, but evidently his irruption into the orchard had not been as lithe and silent as her own, for a figure in a parti-colored dress suddenly started into activity, and running from the wall, began to course through the trees until it became apparently a part of that involved pattern.  Nothing daunted, however, Stephen Masterton pursued, his speed increased as he recognized the flounces of Pepita’s barred dress, but the young girl had the advantage of knowing the locality, and could evade her pursuer by unsuspected turns and doubles.

Project Gutenberg
Selected Stories of Bret Harte from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.