Great Britain and Her Queen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 188 pages of information about Great Britain and Her Queen.

Great Britain and Her Queen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 188 pages of information about Great Britain and Her Queen.

With great regret we speak of this painful disruption, now that so much better feeling animates the various Methodist Churches.  Practically there is no difference of doctrine among them.  It has been well said, “Our articles of faith stand to-day precisely as in the last century, which makes us think that, like Minerva from the brain of Jupiter, they were born full-grown and heavily armoured.”

An influential committee has been appointed to ascertain how concerted action may be taken by the Methodist Churches; and the hope is cherished that their suggestions may lead to the adoption of methods which will prevent strife and friction and unworthy rivalry.  The New Connexion and Methodist Free Church Conferences also appointed a joint committee to consider the same subject.  The brotherly desire for spiritual fellowship and mutual help and counsel thus indicated must be held as a very hopeful token of something better than numerical advance.

[Illustration:  Group of Presidents Number Two.]

The bitter experiences through which the Church passed called attention to the need for modification and expansion of Wesleyan Methodist polity.  The Conference of 1851 appointed a committee of ministers to consider the question; 745 laymen were invited to join them.  Their recommendations led Conference to adopt resolutions defining the proper constitution of the quarterly meeting, and to provide for special circuit meetings to re-try cases of discipline, which had been brought before the leaders’ meeting, when there was reason to think that the verdict had been given in a factious spirit.  The chairman of the district, with twelve elected by the quarterly meeting, formed a tribunal to re-try the case.  From this decision there was an appeal to the district synods, and also to the Conference.  Provision was made for the trial of trustees, so that every justice should be done them.  Local Church meetings were guaranteed the right of appeal to Conference, and circuits were allowed to memorialise Conference on Connexional subjects, within proper limits.  The quarterly meetings, having considered these resolutions, gave them a cordial reception, and they were confirmed by the Conference of 1853.

No new rule is enforced by Conference until opportunity is given to bring it before all the quarterly meetings, and it is not likely to become Methodist law if the majority object.  The enlarged district synods are an additional safeguard for the privileges of the people.  By ballot the circuit quarterly meetings may now elect one, or in some cases two gentlemen, who, with the circuit steward, shall represent the circuit in the district synod.

In 1889, Conference sanctioned the formation of Methodist councils, composed of ministers and laymen, to consult on matters pertaining to Methodist institutions in the towns.  Their decisions of course do not bind any particular Society.

Project Gutenberg
Great Britain and Her Queen from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.