Back to Methuselah eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 408 pages of information about Back to Methuselah.

Back to Methuselah eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 408 pages of information about Back to Methuselah.

ZOO.  Kiplingized!  What is that?

THE ELDERLY GENTLEMAN.  About a thousand years ago there were two authors named Kipling.  One was an eastern and a writer of merit:  the other, being a western, was of course only an amusing barbarian.  He is said to have invented the electric hedge.  I consider that in using it on me you have taken a very great liberty.

ZOO.  What is a liberty?

THE ELDERLY GENTLEMAN [exasperated] I shall not explain, madam.  I believe you know as well as I do. [He sits down on the bollard in dudgeon].

ZOO.  No:  even you can tell me things I do not know.  Havnt you noticed that all the time you have been here we have been asking you questions?

THE ELDERLY GENTLEMAN.  Noticed it!  It has almost driven me mad.  Do you see my white hair?  It was hardly grey when I landed:  there were patches of its original auburn still distinctly discernible.

ZOO.  That is one of the symptoms of discouragement.  But have you noticed something much more important to yourself:  that is, that you have never asked us any questions, although we know so much more than you do?

THE ELDERLY GENTLEMAN.  I am not a child, madam.  I believe I have had occasion to say that before.  And I am an experienced traveller.  I know that what the traveller observes must really exist, or he could not observe it.  But what the natives tell him is invariably pure fiction.

ZOO.  Not here, Daddy.  With us life is too long for telling lies.  They all get found out.  Youd better ask me questions while you have the chance.

THE ELDERLY GENTLEMAN.  If I have occasion to consult the oracle I shall address myself to a proper one:  to a tertiary:  not to a primary flapper playing at being an oracle.  If you are a nurserymaid, attend to your duties; and do not presume to ape your elders.

ZOO. [rising ominously and reddening] You silly—­

THE ELDERLY GENTLEMAN [thundering] Silence!  Do you hear!  Hold your tongue.

ZOO.  Something very disagreeable is happening to me.  I feel hot all over.  I have a horrible impulse to injure you.  What have you done to me?

THE ELDERLY GENTLEMAN [triumphant] Aha!  I have made you blush.  Now you know what blushing means.  Blushing with shame!

ZOO.  Whatever you are doing, it is something so utterly evil that if you do not stop I will kill you.

THE ELDERLY GENTLEMAN [apprehending his danger] Doubtless you think it safe to threaten an old man—­

ZOO [fiercely] Old!  You are a child:  an evil child.  We kill evil children here.  We do it even against our own wills by instinct.  Take care.

THE ELDERLY GENTLEMAN [rising with crestfallen courtesy] I did not mean to hurt your feelings.  I—­[swallowing the apology with an effort] I beg your pardon. [He takes off his hat, and bows].

Project Gutenberg
Back to Methuselah from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.