Wild Western Scenes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 361 pages of information about Wild Western Scenes.

Wild Western Scenes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 361 pages of information about Wild Western Scenes.

“What are you a thinking about so hard?” asked Sneak.

“I’m trying to think how I got that blow on the back of my head,” said Joe, turning half abstractedly to Sneak.

“Yes, and I’d like to know how you come to mash my mouth so dod-rottedly,” said Sneak, in well-affected ill nature.

“Hang it, Sneak, you know well enough that I wouldn’t do such a thing on purpose, when I was obliged to almost knock out my own brains to do it,” said Joe, apologetically.

“If I hadn’t thought of that,” replied Sneak, “I don’t know but I should’ve shot you through when I got up.”

“And I should never have blamed you for it,” said Joe, “if it had been done on purpose.  Does it hurt you much now?”

“Don’t you see how its bleeding?”

“That’s gravy running out of your mouth, ain’t it?”

“Yes, but its bloody a little,” said Sneak, licking his lips.

“I shall have to sit up and sleep,” said Joe; “for my head’s so sore I can’t lie down.”

“I’m a going to lay my head on this stool and sleep; and I’m getting so drowsy I can’t set much longer,” said Sneak.

“All’ll be square between us, about breaking your tooth, won’t it?”

“Yes, I can’t bear malice,” said Sneak, shaking Joe’s extended hand.

“Oh me!” said Joe, “I shan’t be able to doze a bit, hardly, for trying to study out how the old musket came to kick me so.”

“I’ve got a notion to tell you, jest to see if you’ll sleep any better, then.”

“Do you know?” asked Joe, quickly; “if you do, I’ll thank you with all my heart to tell me?”

“Dod! if I don’t!” said Sneak; “but all’s square betwixt us?”

“Yes, if you’re willing.”

“Well, don’t you remember when I told you to count the Indians standing out there, I leant agin you to look over your shoulder?  I stole a cartrich out of your shot-bag then, and slipt it in the muzzle of your musket.  Don’t you know it was leaning agin the post?”

Joe turned round and looked Sneak full in the face for several moments, without uttering a word.

“When it went off,” continued Sneak, “it made the tremendousest crack I ever heard in all my life, except when the keg of powder busted.”

“You confounded, blasted rascal you!” exclaimed Joe, doubling up his fists, and preparing to assault his friend.

“Now don’t go to waking up the folks!” said Sneak.

“I’ll be hanged if I hain’t got a great notion to wear out the iron poker over your head!” continued Joe, his eyes gleaming with rage.

“Look at my tooth,” said Sneak, grinning in such manner that the remaining fragment of the member named could be distinctly seen.  The ludicrous expression of his features was such as constrained Joe to smile, and his enmity vanished instantaneously.

“I believe you got the worst of the bargain, after all,” said Joe, falling back in his chair and laughing quite heartily.

Project Gutenberg
Wild Western Scenes from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.