The Easiest Way eBook

Eugene Walter
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 152 pages of information about The Easiest Way.

The Easiest Way eBook

Eugene Walter
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 152 pages of information about The Easiest Way.

LAURA.  But what, John?

He goes over to her.  She intuitively understands that she is about to go through an ordeal.  She seems to feel that JOHN has become acquainted with something which might interfere with their plan.  He looks at her long and searchingly.  Evidently he too is much wrought up, but when he speaks to her it is with a calm dignity and force which show the character of the man.

JOHN.  Laura.

LAURA.  Yes?

JOHN.  You know when I went down town I said I was going to call on two or three of my friends in Park Row.

LAURA.  I know.

JOHN.  I told them who I was going to marry.

LAURA.  Well?

JOHN.  They said something about you and Brockton, and I found that they’d said too much, but not quite enough.

LAURA.  What did they say?

JOHN.  Just that—­too much and not quite enough.  There’s a minister waiting for us over on Madison Avenue.  You see, then you’ll be my wife.  That’s pretty serious business, and all I want now from you is the truth.

LAURA.  Well?

JOHN.  Just tell me that what they said was just an echo of the past—­that it came from what had been going on before that wonderful day out in Colorado.  Tell me that you’ve been on the level.  I don’t want their word, Laura—­I just want yours.

LAURA summons all her courage, looks up into his loving eyes, shrinks a moment before his anxious face, and speaks as simply as she can.

LAURA.  Yes, John, I have been on the level.

JOHN. [Very tenderly.] I knew that, dear, I knew it. [He takes her in his arms and kisses her.  She clings to him in pitiful helplessness.  His manner is changed to one of almost boyish happiness.] Well, now everything’s all ready, let’s get on the job.  We haven’t a great deal of time.  Get your duds on.

LAURA.  When do we go?

JOHN.  Right away.  The great idea is to get away.

LAURA.  All right.

[Gets hat off trunk, crosses to bureau, puts it on.

JOHN.  Laura, you’ve got trunks enough, haven’t you?  One might think we’re moving a whole colony. [Turns to her with a smile.] And, by the way, to me you are a whole colony—­anyway you’re the only one I ever wanted to settle with.

LAURA.  That’s good. [Takes bag off bureau, crosses to trunk, gets purse, coat, umbrella, as if ready to leave.  She hurriedly gathers her things together, adjusting her hat and the like, and almost to herself in a low tone:] I’m so excited. [Continues preparations.] Come on.

Project Gutenberg
The Easiest Way from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.