Indian Games and Dances with Native Songs eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 118 pages of information about Indian Games and Dances with Native Songs.

Indian Games and Dances with Native Songs eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 118 pages of information about Indian Games and Dances with Native Songs.
46.  Wa-te’-win Victory woman Omaha. 47.  Wa-zhin’-ga Bird Omaha. 48.  Wa-zhin’-ga-tu Blue bird Omaha. 49.  We’-thon-ki-tha To come together (as in a society) Omaha. 50.  We’-ton-a Old name, meaning lost Omaha. 51.  We’-ton-be-the One who gives hope Omaha. 52.  Wi’-he Younger sister Omaha. 53.  Wi’-te-ga New moon Dakota. 54.  Zit-ka’-la Bird Dakota. 55.  Zit-ka’-la-sha Red bird Dakota. 56.  Zit-ka’-la-tu Blue bird Dakota. 57.  Zit-ka’-la-zi Yellow bird Dakota.


E’-zhon U-ti A Camp among the Elms. 
Hin’-de-hi U-ti A Camp among the Lindens. 
Ney’-a-ti A Camp by the Lake. 
Tosh’-ka-hi U-ti A Camp among the Oaks. 
Wa-shis’-ka A-ti A Camp by the Brook.

Project Gutenberg
Indian Games and Dances with Native Songs from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.