The Rough Riders eBook

The Rough Riders by Theodore Roosevelt

The following sections of this BookRags Literature Study Guide is offprint from Gale's For Students Series: Presenting Analysis, Context, and Criticism on Commonly Studied Works: Introduction, Author Biography, Plot Summary, Characters, Themes, Style, Historical Context, Critical Overview, Criticism and Critical Essays, Media Adaptations, Topics for Further Study, Compare & Contrast, What Do I Read Next?, For Further Study, and Sources.

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Table of Contents

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Muster-out roll

[Owing to the circumstances of the regiment’s service, the paperwork was very difficult to perform.  This muster-out roll is very defective in certain points, notably in the enumeration of the wounded who had been able to return to duty.  Some of the dead are also undoubtedly passed over.  Thus I have put in Race Smith, Sanders, and Tiffany as dead, correcting the rolls; but there are doubtless a number of similar corrections which should be made but have not been, as the regiment is now scattered far and wide.  I have also corrected the record for the wounded men in one or two places where I happen to remember it; but there are a number of the wounded, especially the slightly wounded, who are not down at all.]

     Field, staff, and band colonel Theodore Roosevelt
          troop A captain frank Frantz
          troop B captain James H. MCCLINTOCK
          troop C captain Joseph L. B. Alexander
          troop D captain R. B. Huston
          troop E captain Frederick Muller
          troop F captain Maximilian Luna
          troop G captain William H. H. Llewellen
          troop H captain George Curry
          troop I captain Schuyler A. MCGINNIS
          troop K captain Woodbury Kane
          troop L captain Richard C. Day
          troop M captain Robert H. Bruce

As said above, this is not a complete list of the wounded, or even of the dead, among the troopers.  Moreover, a number of officers and men died from fever soon after the regiment was mustered out.  Twenty-eight field and line officers landed in Cuba on June 22nd; ten of them were killed or wounded during the nine days following.  Of the five regiments of regular cavalry in the division, one, the Tenth, lost eleven officers; none of the others lost more than six.  The loss of the Rough Riders in enlisted men was heavier than that of any other regiment in the cavalry division.  Of the nine infantry regiments in Kent’s division, one, the Sixth, lost eleven officers; none of the others as many as we did.  None of the nine suffered as heavy a loss in enlisted men, as they were not engaged at Las Guasimas.

No other regiment in the Spanish-American War suffered as heavy a loss As the First United States Volunteer Cavalry.


Colonel Roosevelt’s report to the
Secretary of war of September 10th

[Before it was sent, this letter was read to and approved by every officer of the regiment who had served through the Santiago campaign.]

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Camp Wikoff, September 10, 1898.

To the Secretary of war.

Sir:  In answer to the circular issued by command of Major-General Shafter under date of September 8, 1898, containing a request for information by the Adjutant-General of September 7th, I have the honor to report as follows: 

I am a little in doubt whether the fact that on certain occasions my regiment suffered for food, etc., should be put down to an actual shortage of supplies or to general defects in the system of administration.  Thus, when the regiment arrived in Tampa after a four days’ journey by cars from its camp at San Antonio, it received no food whatever for twenty-four hours, and as the travel rations had been completely exhausted, food for several of the troops was purchased by their officers, who, of course, have not been reimbursed by the Government.  In the same way we were short one or two meals at the time of embarking at Port Tampa on the transport; but this I think was due, not to a failure in the quantity of supplies, but to the lack of system in embarkation.

As with the other regiments, no information was given in advance what transports we should take, or how we should proceed to get aboard, nor did anyone exercise any supervision over the embarkation.  Each regimental commander, so far as I know, was left to find out as best he could, after he was down at the dock, what transport had not been taken, and then to get his regiment aboard it, if he was able, before some other regiment got it.  Our regiment was told to go to a certain switch, and take a train for Port Tampa at twelve o’clock, midnight.  The train never came.  After three hours of waiting we were sent to another switch, and finally at six o’clock in the morning got possession of some coal-cars and came down in them.  When we reached the quay where the embarkation was proceeding, everything was in utter confusion.  The quay was piled with stores and swarming with thousands of men of different regiments, besides onlookers, etc.  The commanding General, when we at last found him, told Colonel Wood and myself that he did not know what ship we were to embark on, and that we must find Colonel Humphrey, the Quartermaster-General.  Colonel Humphrey was not in his office, and nobody knew where he was.  The commanders of the different regiments were busy trying to find him, while their troops waited in the trains, so as to discover the ships to which they were allotted—­some of these ships being at the dock and some in mid-stream.  After a couple of hours’ search, Colonel Wood found Colonel Humphrey and was allotted a ship.  Immediately afterward I found that it had already been allotted to two other regiments.  It was then coming to the dock.  Colonel Wood boarded it in mid-stream to keep possession, while I double-quicked the men down from the cars and got there just ahead of the other two regiments.  One of these regiments, I was afterward informed, spent the next thirty-six hours in cars in consequence.  We suffered nothing beyond the loss of a couple of meals, which, it seems to me, can hardly be put down to any failure in the quantity of supplies furnished to the troops.

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We were two weeks on the troop-ship Yucatan, and as we were given twelve days’ travel rations, we of course fell short toward the end of the trip, but eked things out with some of our field rations and troop stuff.  The quality of the travel rations given to us was good, except in the important item of meat.  The canned roast beef is worse than a failure as part of the rations, for in effect it amounts to reducing the rations by just so much, as a great majority of the men find it uneatable.  It was coarse, stringy, tasteless, and very disagreeable in appearance, and so unpalatable that the effort to eat it made some of the men sick.  Most of the men preferred to be hungry rather than eat it.  If cooked in a stew with plenty of onions and potatoes—­i.e., if only one ingredient in a dish with other more savory ingredients—­it could be eaten, especially if well salted and peppered; but, as usual (what I regard as a great mistake), no salt was issued with the travel rations, and of course no potatoes and onions.  There were no cooking facilities on the transport.  When the men obtained any, it was by bribing the cook.  Toward the last, when they began to draw on the field rations, they had to eat the bacon raw.  On the return trip the same difficulty in rations obtained.—­i.e., the rations were short because the men could not eat the canned roast beef, and had no salt.  We purchased of the ship’s supplies some flour and pork and a little rice for the men, so as to relieve the shortage as much as possible, and individual sick men were helped from private sources by officers, who themselves ate what they had purchased in Santiago.  As nine-tenths of the men were more or less sick, the unattractiveness of the travel rations was doubly unfortunate.  It would have been an excellent thing for their health if we could have had onions and potatoes, and means for cooking them.  Moreover, the water was very bad, and sometimes a cask was struck that was positively undrinkable.  The lack of ice for the weak and sickly men was very much felt.  Fortunately there was no epidemic, for there was not a place on the ship where patients could have been isolated.

During the month following the landing of the army in Cuba the food-supplies were generally short in quantity, and in quality were never such as were best suited to men undergoing severe hardships and great exposure in an unhealthy tropical climate.  The rations were, I understand, the same as those used in the Klondike.  In this connection, I call especial attention to the report of Captain Brown, made by my orders when I was Brigade-Commander, and herewith appended.  I also call attention to the report of my own Quartermaster.  Usually we received full rations of bacon and hardtack.  The hardtack, however, was often mouldy, so that parts of cases, and even whole cases, could not be used.  The bacon was usually good.  But bacon and hardtack make poor food for men toiling and fighting in trenches

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under the midsummer sun of the tropics.  The ration of coffee was often short, and that of sugar generally so; we rarely got any vegetables.  Under these circumstances the men lost strength steadily, and as the fever speedily attacked them, they suffered from being reduced to a bacon and hardtack diet.  So much did the shortage of proper food tell upon their health that again and again officers were compelled to draw upon their private purses, or upon the Red Cross Society, to make good the deficiency of the Government supply.  Again and again we sent down improvised pack-trains composed of officers’ horses, of captured Spanish cavalry ponies, or of mules which had been shot or abandoned but were cured by our men.  These expeditions—­sometimes under the Chaplain, sometimes under the Quartermaster, sometimes under myself, and occasionally under a trooper—­would go to the sea-coast or to the Red Cross head-quarters, or, after the surrender, into the city of Santiago, to get food both for the well and the sick.  The Red Cross Society rendered invaluable aid.  For example, on one of these expeditions I personally brought up 600 pounds of beans; on another occasion I personally brought up 500 pounds of rice, 800 pounds of cornmeal, 200 pounds of sugar, 100 pounds of tea, 100 pounds of oatmeal, 5 barrels of potatoes, and two of onions, with cases of canned soup and condensed milk for the sick in hospitals.  Every scrap of the food thus brought up was eaten with avidity by the soldiers, and put new heart and strength into them.  It was only our constant care of the men in this way that enabled us to keep them in any trim at all.  As for the sick in the hospital, unless we were able from outside sources to get them such simple delicacies as rice and condensed milk, they usually had the alternative of eating salt pork and hardtack or going without.  After each fight we got a good deal of food from the Spanish camps in the way of beans, peas, and rice, together with green coffee, all of which the men used and relished greatly.  In some respects the Spanish rations were preferable to ours, notably in the use of rice.  After we had been ashore a month the supplies began to come in in abundance, and we then fared very well.  Up to that time the men were under-fed, during the very weeks when the heaviest drain was being made upon their vitality, and the deficiency was only partially supplied through the aid of the Red Cross, and out of the officers’ pockets and the pockets of various New York friends who sent us money.  Before, during, and immediately after the fights of June 24th and July 1st, we were very short of even the bacon and hardtack.  About July 14th, when the heavy rains interrupted communication, we were threatened with famine, as we were informed that there was not a day’s supply of provisions in advance nearer than the sea-coast; and another twenty-four hours’ rain would have resulted in a complete break-down of communications, so that for several days we should have been reduced to a diet of mule-meat and mangos.  At this time, in anticipation of such a contingency, by foraging and hoarding we got a little ahead, so that when our supplies were cut down for a day or two we did not suffer much, and were even able to furnish a little aid to the less fortunate First Illinois Regiment, which was camped next to us.  Members of the Illinois Regiment were offering our men $1 apiece for hardtacks.

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I wish to bear testimony to the energy and capacity of Colonel Weston, the Commissary-General with the expedition.  If it had not been for his active aid, we should have fared worse than we did.  All that he could do for us, he most cheerfully did.

As regards the clothing, I have to say:  As to the first issue, the blue shirts were excellent of their kind, but altogether too hot for Cuba.  They are just what I used to wear in Montana.  The leggings were good; the shoes were very good; the undershirts not very good, and the drawers bad—­being of heavy, thick canton flannel, difficult to wash, and entirely unfit for a tropical climate.  The trousers were poor, wearing badly.  We did not get any other clothing until we were just about to leave Cuba, by which time most of the men were in tatters; some being actually barefooted, while others were in rags, or dressed partly in clothes captured from the Spaniards, who were much more suitably clothed for the climate and place than we were.  The ponchos were poor, being inferior to the Spanish rain-coats which we captured.

As to the medical matters, I invite your attention, not only to the report of Dr. Church accompanying this letter, but to the letters of Captain Llewellen, Captain Day, and Lieutenant McIlhenny.  I could readily produce a hundred letters on the lines of the last three.  In actual medical supplies, we had plenty of quinine and cathartics.  We were apt to be short on other medicines, and we had nothing whatever in the way of proper nourishing food for our sick and wounded men during most of the time, except what we were able to get from the Red Cross or purchase with our own money.  We had no hospital tent at all until I was able to get a couple of tarpaulins.  During much of the time my own fly was used for the purpose.  We had no cots until by individual effort we obtained a few, only three or four days before we left Cuba.  During most of the time the sick men lay on the muddy ground in blankets, if they had any; if not, they lay without them until some of the well men cut their own blankets in half.  Our regimental surgeon very soon left us, and Dr. Church, who was repeatedly taken down with the fever, was left alone—­save as he was helped by men detailed from among the troopers.  Both he and the men thus detailed, together with the regular hospital attendants, did work of incalculable service.  We had no ambulance with the regiment.  On the battle-field our wounded were generally sent to the rear in mule-wagons, or on litters which were improvised.  At other times we would hire the little springless Cuban carts.  But of course the wounded suffered greatly in such conveyances, and moreover, often we could not get a wheeled vehicle of any kind to transport even the most serious cases.  On the day of the big fight, July 1st, as far as we could find out, there were but two ambulances with the army in condition to work—­neither of which did we ever see.  Later there were, as we were informed,

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thirteen all told; and occasionally after the surrender, by vigorous representations and requests, we would get one assigned to take some peculiarly bad cases to the hospital.  Ordinarily, however, we had to do with one of the makeshifts enumerated above.  On several occasions I visited the big hospitals in the rear.  Their condition was frightful beyond description from lack of supplies, lack of medicine, lack of doctors, nurses, and attendants, and especially from lack of transportation.  The wounded and sick who were sent back suffered so much that, whenever possible, they returned to the front.  Finally my brigade commander, General Wood, ordered, with my hearty acquiescence, that only in the direst need should any men be sent to the rear—­no matter what our hospital accommodations at the front might be.  The men themselves preferred to suffer almost anything lying alone in their little shelter-tents, rather than go back to the hospitals in the rear.  I invite attention to the accompanying letter of Captain Llewellen in relation to the dreadful condition of the wounded on some of the transports taking them North.

The greatest trouble we had was with the lack of transportation.  Under the order issued by direction of General Miles through the Adjutant-General on or about May 8th, a regiment serving as infantry in the field was entitled to twenty-five wagons.  We often had one, often none, sometimes two, and never as many as three.  We had a regimental pack-train, but it was left behind at Tampa.  During most of the time our means of transportation were chiefly the improvised pack-trains spoken of above; but as the mules got well they were taken away from us, and so were the captured Spanish cavalry horses.  Whenever we shifted camp, we had to leave most of our things behind, so that the night before each fight was marked by our sleeping without tentage and with very little food, so far as officers were concerned, as everything had to be sacrificed to getting up what ammunition and medical supplies we had.  Colonel Wood seized some mules, and in this manner got up the medical supplies before the fight of June 24th, when for three days the officers had nothing but what they wore.  There was a repetition of this, only in worse form, before and after the fight of July 1st.  Of course much of this was simply a natural incident of war, but a great deal could readily have been avoided if we had had enough transportation; and I was sorry not to let my men be as comfortable as possible and rest as much as possible just before going into a fight when, as on July 1st and 2nd, they might have to be forty-eight hours with the minimum quantity of food and sleep.  The fever began to make heavy ravages among our men just before the surrender, and from that time on it became a most serious matter to shift camp, with sick and ailing soldiers, hardly able to walk—­not to speak of carrying heavy burdens—­when we had no transportation.  Not more than half of the men could carry their rolls,

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and yet these, with the officers’ baggage and provisions, the entire hospital and its appurtenances, etc., had to be transported somehow.  It was usually about three days after we reached a new camp before the necessaries which had been left behind could be brought up, and during these three days we had to get along as best we could.  The entire lack of transportation at first resulted in leaving most of the troop mess-kits on the beach, and we were never able to get them.  The men cooked in the few utensils they could themselves carry.  This rendered it impossible to boil the drinking-water.  Closely allied to the lack of transportation was the lack of means to land supplies from the transports.

In my opinion, the deficiency in transportation was the worst evil with which we had to contend, serious though some of the others were.  I have never served before, so have no means of comparing this with previous campaigns.  I was often told by officers who had seen service against the Indians that, relatively to the size of the army, and the character of the country, we had only a small fraction of the transportation always used in the Indian campaigns.  As far as my regiment was concerned, we certainly did not have one-third of the amount absolutely necessary, if it was to be kept in fair condition, and we had to partially make good the deficiency by the most energetic resort to all kinds of makeshifts and expedients.

Yours respectfully,


Theodore Roosevelt, Colonel
First United States Cavalry.

Forwarded through military channels.

(5 enclosures.)

First Endorsement. 
Head-quarters fifth army corps
Camp Wikoff,
September 18, 1898.

Respectfully forwarded to the Adjutant-General of the Army.


William R. Shafter, Major-General Commanding.


TheRound robinLetter

[The following is the report of the Associated Press correspondent of the “round-robin” incident.  It is literally true in every detail.  I was present when he was handed both letters; he was present while they were being written.]

Santiago de Cuba, August 3rd (delayed in transmission).—­Summoned by Major-General Shafter, a meeting was held here this morning at head-quarters, and in the presence of every commanding and medical officer of the Fifth Army Corps, General Shafter read a cable message from Secretary Alger, ordering him, on the recommendation of Surgeon-General Sternberg, to move the army into the interior, to San Luis, where it is healthier.

As a result of the conference General Shafter will insist upon the immediate withdrawal of the army North.

As an explanation of the situation the following letter from Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, commanding the First Cavalry, to General Shafter, was handed by the latter to the correspondent of the Associated Press for publication: 

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     Major-general Shafter.

Sir:  In a meeting of the general and medical officers called by you at the Palace this morning we were all, as you know, unanimous in our views of what should be done with the army.  To keep us here, in the opinion of every officer commanding a division or a brigade, will simply involve the destruction of thousands.  There is no possible reason for not shipping practically the entire command North at once.  Yellow-fever cases are very few in the cavalry division, where I command one of the two brigades, and not one true case of yellow fever has occurred in this division, except among the men sent to the hospital at Siboney, where they have, I believe, contracted it.
But in this division there have been 1,500 cases of malarial fever.  Hardly a man has yet died from it, but the whole command is so weakened and shattered as to be ripe for dying like rotten sheep, when a real yellow-fever epidemic instead of a fake epidemic, like the present one, strikes us, as it is bound to do if we stay here at the height of the sickness season, August and the beginning of September.  Quarantine against malarial fever is much like quarantining against the toothache.
All of us are certain that as soon as the authorities at Washington fully appreciate the condition of the army, we shall be sent home.  If we are kept here it will in all human possibility mean an appalling disaster, for the surgeons here estimate that over half the army, if kept here during the sickly season, will die.
This is not only terrible from the stand-point of the individual lives lost, but it means ruin from the stand-point of military efficiency of the flower of the American army, for the great bulk of the regulars are here with you.  The sick list, large though it is, exceeding four thousand, affords but a faint index of the debilitation of the army.  Not twenty per cent are fit for active work.
Six weeks on the North Maine coast, for instance, or elsewhere where the yellow-fever germ cannot possibly propagate, would make us all as fit as fighting-cocks, as able as we are eager to take a leading part in the great campaign against Havana in the fall, even if we are not allowed to try Porto Rico.
We can be moved North, if moved at once, with absolute safety to the country, although, of course, it would have been infinitely better if we had been moved North or to Porto Rico two weeks ago.  If there were any object in keeping us here, we would face yellow fever with as much indifference as we faced bullets.  But there is no object.
The four immune regiments ordered here are sufficient to garrison the city and surrounding towns, and there is absolutely nothing for us to do here, and there has not been since the city surrendered.  It is impossible to move into the interior.  Every shifting of camp doubles the

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sick-rate in our present weakened condition, and, anyhow, the interior is rather worse than the coast, as I have found by actual reconnaissance.  Our present camps are as healthy as any camps at this end of the island can be.
I write only because I cannot see our men, who have fought so bravely and who have endured extreme hardship and danger so uncomplainingly, go to destruction without striving so far as lies in me to avert a doom as fearful as it is unnecessary and undeserved.

Yours respectfully,

Theodore Roosevelt,
Colonel Commanding Second Cavalry Brigade.

After Colonel Roosevelt had taken the initiative, all the American general officers united in a “round robin” addressed to General Shafter.  It reads: 

We, the undersigned officers commanding the various brigades, divisions, etc., of the Army of Occupation in Cuba, are of the unanimous opinion that this army should be at once taken out of the island of Cuba and sent to some point on the Northern sea-coast of the United States; that can be done without danger to the people of the United States; that yellow fever in the army at present is not epidemic; that there are only a few sporadic cases; but that the army is disabled by malarial fever to the extent that its efficiency is destroyed, and that it is in a condition to be practically entirely destroyed by an epidemic of yellow fever, which is sure to come in the near future.
We know from the reports of competent officers and from personal observations that the army is unable to move into the interior, and that there are no facilities for such a move if attempted, and that it could not be attempted until too late.  Moreover, the best medical authorities of the island say that with our present equipment we could not live in the interior during the rainy season without losses from malarial fever, which is almost as deadly as yellow fever.
This army must be moved at once, or perish.  As the army can be safely moved now, the persons responsible for preventing such a move will be responsible for the unnecessary loss of many thousands of lives.
Our opinions are the result of careful personal observation, and they are also based on the unanimous opinion of our medical officers with the army, who understand the situation absolutely.

       J. Ford Kent,
       Major-General Volunteers Commanding First Division, Fifth Corps.

       J. C. Bates,
       Major-General Volunteers Commanding Provisional Division.

       ADNAH R. Chaffee,
       Major-General Commanding Third Brigade, Second Division.

       SamuelS. Sumner,
       Brigadier-General Volunteers Commanding First Brigade, Cavalry.

       Brigadier-General Volunteers Commanding First Brigade, Second

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       ADELBERT Ames,
       Brigadier-General Volunteers Commanding Third Brigade, First

       Brigadier-General Volunteers Commanding the City of Santiago.

       Colonel Commanding Second Cavalry Brigade.

Major M. W. Wood, the chief Surgeon of the First Division, said:  “The army must be moved North,” adding, with emphasis, “or it will be unable to move itself.”

General Ames has sent the following cable message to Washington: 

Charles H. Allen,
Assistant Secretary of the Navy: 

This army is incapable, because of sickness, of marching
anywhere except to the transports.  If it is ever to return
to the United States it must do so at once.



It has been suggested to me that when Bucky O’Neill spoke of the vultures tearing our dead, he was thinking of no modern poet, but of the words of the prophet Ezekiel:  “Speak unto every feathered fowl . . . . . ye shall eat the flesh of the mighty and drink the blood of the princes of the earth.”

At San Juan the Sixth Cavalry was under Major Lebo, a tried and gallant officer.  I learn from a letter of Lieutenant McNamee that it was he, and not Lieutenant Hartwick, by whose orders the troopers of the Ninth cast down the fence to enable me to ride my horse into the lane.  But one of the two lieutenants of B troop was overcome by the heat that day; Lieutenant Rynning was with his troop until dark.

One night during the siege, when we were digging trenches, a curious stampede occurred (not in my own regiment) which it may be necessary some time to relate.

Lieutenants W. E. Shipp and W. H. Smith were killed, not far from each other, while gallantly leading their troops on the slope of Kettle Hill.  Each left a widow and young children.

Captain (now Colonel) A. L. Mills, the Brigade Adjutant-General, has written me some comments on my account of the fight on July 1st.  It was he himself who first brought me word to advance.  I then met Colonel Dorst—­who bore the same message—­as I was getting the regiment forward.  Captain Mills was one of the officers I had sent back to get orders that would permit me to advance; he met General Sumner, who gave him the orders, and he then returned to me.  In a letter to me Colonel Mills says in part: 

I reached the head of the regiment as you came out of the lane and gave you the orders to enter the action.  These were that you were to move, with your right resting along the wire fence of the lane, to the support of the regular cavalry then attacking the hill we were facing.  “The red-roofed house yonder is your objective,” I said to you.  You moved out at once and quickly forged to the front of

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your regiment.  I rode in rear, keeping the soldiers and troops closed and in line as well as the circumstances and conditions permitted.  We had covered, I judge, from one-half to two-thirds the distance to Kettle Hill when Lieutenant-Colonel Garlington, from our left flank called to me that troops were needed in the meadow across the lane.  I put one troop (not three, as stated in your account*) across the lane and went with it.  Advancing with the troop, I began immediately to pick up troopers of the Ninth Cavalry who had drifted from their commands, and soon had so many they demanded nearly all my attention.  With a line thus made up, the colored troopers on the left and yours on the right, the portion of Kettle Hill on the right of the red-roofed house was first carried.  I very shortly thereafter had a strong firing-line established on the crest nearest the enemy, from the corner of the fence around the house to the low ground on the right of the hill, which fired into the strong line of conical straw hats, whose brims showed just above the edge of the Spanish trench directly west of that part of the hill.** These hats made a fine target!  I had placed a young officer of your regiment in charge of the portion of the line on top of the hill, and was about to go to the left to keep the connection of the brigade—­Captain McBlain, Ninth Cavalry, just then came up on the hill from the left and rear—­when the shot struck that put me out of the fight.

  * Note:  The other two must have followed on their own initiative.

  ** Note:  These were the Spaniards in the trenches we carried when
  we charged from Kettle Hill, after the infantry had taken the San
  Juan block-house.

There were many wholly erroneous accounts of the Guasimas fight published at the time, for the most part written by newspaper-men who were in the rear and utterly ignorant of what really occurred.  Most of these accounts possess a value so purely ephemeral as to need no notice.  Mr. Stephen Bonsal, however, in his book, “The Fight for Santiago,” has cast one of them in a more permanent form; and I shall discuss one or two of his statements.

Mr. Bonsal was not present at the fight, and, indeed, so far as I know, he never at any time was with the cavalry in action.  He puts in his book a map of the supposed skirmish ground; but it bears to the actual scene of the fight only the well-known likeness borne by Monmouth to Macedon.  There was a brook on the battle-ground, and there is a brook in Mr. Bonsal’s map.  The real brook, flowing down from the mountains, crossed the valley road and ran down between it and the hill-trail, going nowhere near the latter.  The Bonsal brook flows at right angles to the course of the real brook and crosses both trails—­that is, it runs up hill.  It is difficult to believe that the Bonsal map could have been made by any man who had gone over the hill-trail followed by the Rough Riders and who knew where the fighting had taken place.  The position of the Spanish line on the Bonsal map is inverted compared to what it really was.

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On page 90 Mr. Bonsal says that in making the “precipitate advance” there was a rivalry between the regulars and Rough Riders, which resulted in each hurrying recklessly forward to strike the Spaniards first.  On the contrary.  The official reports show that General Young’s column waited for some time after it got to the Spanish position, so as to allow the Rough Riders (who had the more difficult trail) to come up.  Colonel Wood kept his column walking at a smart pace, merely so that the regulars might not be left unsupported when the fight began; and as a matter of fact, it began almost simultaneously on both wings.

On page 91 Mr. Bonsal speaks of “The foolhardy formation of a solid column along a narrow trail, which brought them (the Rough Riders) within point-blank range of the Spanish rifles and within the unobstructed sweep of their machine-guns.”  He also speaks as if the advance should have been made with the regiment deployed through the jungle.  Of course, the only possible way by which the Rough Riders could have been brought into action in time to support the regulars was by advancing in column along the trail at a good smart gait.  As soon as our advance-guard came into contact with the enemy’s outpost we deployed.  No firing began for at least five minutes after Captain Capron sent back word that he had come upon the Spanish outpost.  At the particular point where this occurred there was a dip in the road, which probably rendered it, in Capron’s opinion, better to keep part of his men in it.  In any event, Captain Capron, who was as skilful as he was gallant, had ample time between discovering the Spanish outpost and the outbreak of the firing to arrange his troop in the formation he deemed best.  His troop was not in solid formation; his men were about ten yards apart.  Of course, to have walked forward deployed through the jungle, prior to reaching the ground where we were to fight, would have been a course of procedure so foolish as to warrant the summary court-martial of any man directing it.  We could not have made half a mile an hour in such a formation, and would have been at least four hours too late for the fighting.

On page 92 Mr. Bonsal says that Captain Capron’s troop was ambushed, and that it received the enemy’s fire a quarter of an hour before it was expected.  This is simply not so.  Before the column stopped we had passed a dead Cuban, killed in the preceding day’s skirmish, and General Wood had notified me on information he had received from Capron that we might come into contact with the Spaniards at any moment, and, as I have already said, Captain Capron discovered the Spanish outpost, and we halted and partially deployed the column before the firing began.  We were at the time exactly where we had expected to come across the Spaniards.  Mr. Bonsal, after speaking of L Troop, adds:  “The remaining troops of the regiment had travelled more leisurely, and more than half an hour elapsed before they came

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up to Capron’s support.”  As a matter of fact, all the troops travelled at exactly the same rate of speed, although there were stragglers from each, and when Capron halted and sent back word that he had come upon the Spanish outpost, the entire regiment closed up, halted, and most of the men sat down.  We then, some minutes after the first word had been received, and before any firing had begun, received instructions to deploy.  I had my right wing partially deployed before the first shots between the outposts took place.  Within less than three minutes I had G Troop, with Llewellen, Greenway, and Leahy, and one platoon of K Troop under Kane, on the firing-line, and it was not until after we reached the firing-line that the heavy volley-firing from the Spaniards began.

On page 94 Mr. Bonsal says:  “A vexatious delay occurred before the two independent columns could communicate and advance with concerted action. . . .  When the two columns were brought into communication it was immediately decided to make a general attack upon the Spanish position. . . .  With this purpose in view, the following disposition of the troops was made before the advance of the brigade all along the line was ordered.”  There was no communication between the two columns prior to the general attack, nor was any order issued for the advance of the brigade all along the line.  The attacks were made wholly independently, and the first communication between the columns was when the right wing of the Rough Riders in the course of their advance by their firing dislodged the Spaniards from the hill across the ravine to the right, and then saw the regulars come up that hill.

Mr. Bonsal’s account of what occurred among the regulars parallels his account of what occurred among the Rough Riders.  He states that the squadron of the Tenth Cavalry delivered the main attack upon the hill, which was the strongest point of the Spanish position; and he says of the troopers of the Tenth Cavalry that “their better training enabled them to render more valuable service than the other troops engaged.”  In reality, the Tenth Cavalrymen were deployed in support of the First, though they mingled with them in the assault proper; and so far as there was any difference at all in the amount of work done, it was in favor of the First.  The statement that the Tenth Cavalry was better trained than the First, and rendered more valuable service, has not the slightest basis whatsoever of any kind, sort, or description, in fact.  The Tenth Cavalry did well what it was required to do; as an organization, in this fight, it was rather less heavily engaged, and suffered less loss, actually and relatively, than either the First Cavalry or the Rough Riders.  It took about the same part that was taken by the left wing of the Rough Riders, which wing was similarly rather less heavily engaged than the right and centre of the regiment.  Of course, this is a reflection neither on the Tenth Cavalry nor on the left wing of the Rough Riders.  Each body simply did what it was ordered to do, and did it well.  But to claim that the Tenth Cavalry did better than the First, or bore the most prominent part in the fight, is like making the same claim for the left wing of the Rough Riders.  All the troops engaged did well, and all alike are entitled to share in the honor of the day.

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Mr. Bonsal out-Spaniards the Spaniards themselves as regards both their numbers and their loss.  These points are discussed elsewhere.  He develops for the Spanish side, to account for their retreat, a wholly new explanation—­viz., that they retreated because they saw reinforcements arriving for the Americans.  The Spaniards themselves make no such claim.  Lieutenant Tejeiro asserts that they retreated because news had come of a (wholly mythical) American advance on Morro Castle.  The Spanish official report simply says that the Americans were repulsed; which is about as accurate a statement as the other two.  All three explanations, those by General Rubin, by Lieutenant Tejeiro, and by Mr. Bonsal alike, are precisely on a par with the first Spanish official report of the battle of Manila Bay, in which Admiral Dewey was described as having been repulsed and forced to retire.

There are one or two minor mistakes made by Mr. Bonsal.  He states that on the roster of the officers of the Rough Riders there were ten West Pointers.  There were three, one of whom resigned.  Only two were in the fighting.  He also states that after Las Guasimas Brigadier-General Young was made a Major-General and Colonel Wood a Brigadier-General, while the commanding officers of the First and Tenth Cavalry were ignored in this “shower of promotions.”  In the first place, the commanding officers of the First and Tenth Cavalry were not in the fight—­only one squadron of each having been present.  In the next place, there was no “shower of promotions” at all.  Nobody was promoted except General Young, save to fill the vacancies caused by death or by the promotion of General Young.  Wood was not promoted because of this fight.  General Young most deservedly was promoted.  Soon after the fight he fell sick.  The command of the brigade then fell upon Wood, simply because he had higher rank than the other two regimental commanders of the brigade; and I then took command of the regiment exactly as Lieutenant-Colonels Veile and Baldwin had already taken command of the First and Tenth Cavalry when their superior officers were put in charge of brigades.  After the San Juan fighting, in which Wood commanded a brigade, he was made a Brigadier-General and I was then promoted to the nominal command of the regiment, which I was already commanding in reality.

Mr. Bonsal’s claim of superior efficiency for the colored regular regiments as compared with the white regular regiments does not merit discussion.  He asserts that General Wheeler brought on the Guasimas fight in defiance of orders.  Lieutenant Miley, in his book, “In Cuba with Shafter,” on page 83, shows that General Wheeler made his fight before receiving the order which it is claimed he disobeyed.  General Wheeler was in command ashore; he was told to get in touch with the enemy, and, being a man with the “fighting edge,” this meant that he was certain to fight.  No general who was worth his salt would have failed to fight under such conditions; the only question would be as to how the fight was to be made.  War means fighting; and the soldier’s cardinal sin is timidity.

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General Wheeler remained throughout steadfast against any retreat from before Santiago.  But the merit of keeping the army before Santiago, without withdrawal, until the city fell, belongs to the authorities at Washington, who at this all-important stage of the operations showed to marked advantage in overruling the proposals made by the highest generals in the field looking toward partial retreat or toward the abandonment of the effort to take the city.

The following note, written by Sergeant E. G. Norton, of B Troop, refers to the death of his brother, Oliver B. Norton, one of the most gallant and soldierly men in the regiment: 

On July 1st I, together with Sergeant Campbell and Troopers Bardshar and Dudley Dean and my brother who was killed and some others, was at the front of the column right behind you.  We moved forward, following you as you rode, to where we came upon the troopers of the Ninth Cavalry and a part of the First lying down.  I heard the conversation between you and one or two of the officers of the Ninth Cavalry.  You ordered a charge, and the regular officers answered that they had no orders to move ahead; whereupon you said:  “Then let us through,” and marched forward through the lines, our regiment following.  The men of the Ninth and First Cavalry then jumped up and came forward with us.  Then you waved your hat and gave the command to charge and we went up the hill.  On the top of Kettle Hill my brother, Oliver B. Norton, was shot through the head and in the right wrist.  It was just as you started to lead the charge on the San Juan hills ahead of us; we saw that the regiment did not know you had gone and were not following, and my brother said, “For God’s sake follow the Colonel,” and as he rose the bullet went through his head.

In reference to Mr. Bonsal’s account of the Guasimas fight, Mr. Richard Harding Davis writes me as follows: 

We had already halted several times to give the men a chance to rest, and when we halted for the last time I thought it was for this same purpose, and began taking photographs of the men of L Troop, who were so near that they asked me to be sure and save them a photograph.  Wood had twice disappeared down the trail beyond them and returned.  As he came back for the second time I remember that you walked up to him (we were all dismounted then), and saluted and said:  “Colonel, Doctor La Motte reports that the pace is too fast for the men, and that over fifty have fallen out from exhaustion.”  Wood replied sharply:  “I have no time to bother with sick men now.”  You replied, more in answer, I suppose, to his tone than to his words:  “I merely repeated what the Surgeon reported to me.”  Wood then turned and said in explanation:  “I have no time for them now; I mean that we are in sight of the enemy.”
This was the only information we received that the men of L Troop had been ambushed by the Spaniards, and, if they were, they were very

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calm about it, and I certainly was taking photographs of them at the time, and the rest of the regiment, instead of being half an hour’s march away, was seated comfortably along the trail not twenty feet distant from the men of L Troop.  You deployed G Troop under Captain Llewellen into the jungle at the right and sent K Troop after it, and Wood ordered Troops E and F into the field on our left.  It must have been from ten to fifteen minutes after Capron and Wood had located the Spaniards before either side fired a shot.  When the firing did come I went over to you and joined G Troop and a detachment of K Troop under Woodbury Kane, and we located more of the enemy on a ridge.

     If it is to be ambushed when you find the enemy exactly
     where you went to find him, and your scouts see him soon
     enough to give you sufficient time to spread five troops
     in skirmish order to attack him, and you then drive him
     back out of three positions for a mile and a half, then
     most certainly, as Bonsal says, “L Troop of the Rough
     Riders was ambushed by the Spaniards on the morning of
    June 24th.”

General Wood also writes me at length about Mr. Bonsal’s book, stating that his account of the Guasimas fight is without foundation in fact.  He says:  “We had five troops completely deployed before the first shot was fired.  Captain Capron was not wounded until the fight had been going on fully thirty-five minutes.  The statement that Captain Capron’s troop was ambushed is absolutely untrue.  We had been informed, as you know, by Castillo’s people that we should find the dead guerilla a few hundred yards on the Siboney side of the Spanish lines.”

He then alludes to the waving of the guidon by K Troop as “the only means of communication with the regulars.”  He mentions that his orders did not come from General Wheeler, and that he had no instructions from General Wheeler directly or indirectly at any time previous to the fight.

General Wood does not think that I give quite enough credit to the Rough Riders as compared to the regulars in this Guasimas fight, and believes that I greatly underestimate the Spanish force and loss, and that Lieutenant Tejeiro is not to be trusted at all on these points.  He states that we began the fight ten minutes before the regulars, and that the main attack was made and decided by us.  This was the view that I and all the rest of us in the regiment took at the time; but as I had found since that the members of the First and Tenth Regular Regiments held with equal sincerity the view that the main part was taken by their own commands, I have come to the conclusion that the way I have described the action is substantially correct.  Owing to the fact that the Tenth Cavalry, which was originally in support, moved forward until it got mixed with the First, it is very difficult to get the exact relative position of the different troops of the First and Tenth in making the advance. 

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Beck and Galbraith were on the left; apparently Wainwright was farthest over on the right.  General Wood states that Leonardo Ros, the Civil Governor of Santiago at the time of the surrender, told him that the Spanish force at Guasimas consisted of not less than 2,600 men, and that there were nearly 300 of them killed and wounded.  I do not myself see how it was possible for us, as we were the attacking party and were advancing against superior numbers well sheltered, to inflict five times as much damage as we received; but as we buried eleven dead Spaniards, and as they carried off some of their dead, I believe the loss to have been very much heavier than Lieutenant Tejeiro reports.

General Wood believes that in following Lieutenant Tejeiro I have greatly underestimated the number of Spanish troops who were defending Santiago on July 1st, and here I think he completely makes out his case, he taking the view that Lieutenant Tejeiro’s statements were made for the purpose of saving Spanish honor.  On this point his letter runs as follows: 

A word in regard to the number of troops in Santiago.  I have had, during my long association here, a good many opportunities to get information which you have not got and probably never will get; that is, information from parties who were actually in the fight, who are now residents of the city; also information which came to me as commanding officer of the city directly after the surrender.

     To sum up briefly as follows:  The Spanish surrendered in
     Santiago 12,000 men.  We shipped from Santiago something over
     14,000 men.  The 2,000 additional were troops that came in
     from San Luis, Songo, and small up-country posts.  The 12,000
     in the city, minus the force of General Iscario, 3,300
     infantry and 680 cavalry, or in round numbers 4,000 men (who
     entered the city just after the battles of San Juan and El
    Caney), leaves 8,000 regulars, plus the dead, plus Cervera’s
     marines and blue-jackets, which he himself admits landing in
     the neighborhood of 1,200 (and reports here are that he landed
     1,380), and plus the Spanish Volunteer Battalion, which was
     between 800 and 900 men (this statement I have from the
     lieutenant-colonel of this very battalion), gives us in
     round numbers, present for duty on the morning of July 1st,
     not less than 10,500 men.  These men were distributed 890 at
     Caney, two companies of artillery at Morro, one at Socapa,
     and half a company at Puenta Gorda; in all, not over 500 or
     600 men, but for the sake of argument we can say a thousand. 
     In round numbers, then, we had immediately about the city
     8,500 troops.  These were scattered from the cemetery around
     to Aguadores.  In front of us, actually in the trenches,
     there could not by any possible method of figuring have been
     less than 6,000 men.  You can twist it any way you want to;
     the figures I have given you are absolutely correct, at
     least they are absolutely on the side of safety.

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It is difficult for me to withstand the temptation to tell what has befallen some of my men since the regiment disbanded; how McGinty, after spending some weeks in Roosevelt Hospital in New York with an attack of fever, determined to call upon his captain, Woodbury Kane, when he got out, and procuring a horse rode until he found Kane’s house, when he hitched the horse to a lamp-post and strolled in; how Cherokee Bill married a wife in Hoboken, and as that pleasant city ultimately proved an uncongenial field for his activities, how I had to send both himself and his wife out to the Territory; how Happy Jack, haunted by visions of the social methods obtaining in the best saloons of Arizona, applied for the position of “bouncer out” at the Executive Chamber when I was elected Governor, and how I got him a job at railroading instead, and finally had to ship him back to his own Territory also; how a valued friend from a cow ranch in the remote West accepted a pressing invitation to spend a few days at the home of another ex-trooper, a New Yorker of fastidious instincts, and arrived with an umbrella as his only baggage; how poor Holderman and Pollock both died and were buried with military honors, all of Pollock’s tribesmen coming to the burial; how Tom Isbell joined Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, and how, on the other hand, George Rowland scornfully refused to remain in the East at all, writing to a gallant young New Yorker who had been his bunkie:  “Well, old boy, I am glad I didn’t go home with you for them people to look at, because I ain’t a Buffalo or a rhinoceros or a giraffe, and I don’t like to be stared at, and you know we didn’t do no hard fighting down there.  I have been in closer places than that right here in United States, that is better men to fight than them dam Spaniards.”  In another letter Rowland tells of the fate of Tom Darnell, the rider, he who rode the sorrel horse of the Third Cavalry:  “There ain’t much news to write of except poor old Tom Darnell got killed about a month ago.  Tom and another fellow had a fight and he shot Tom through the heart and Tom was dead when he hit the floor.  Tom was sure a good old boy, and I sure hated to hear of him going, and he had plenty of grit too.  No man ever called on him for a fight that he didn’t get it.”

My men were children of the dragon’s blood, and if they had no outland foe to fight and no outlet for their vigorous and daring energy, there was always the chance of their fighting one another:  but the great majority, if given the chance to do hard or dangerous work, availed themselves of it with the utmost eagerness, and though fever sickened and weakened them so that many died from it during the few months following their return, yet, as a whole, they are now doing fairly well.  A few have shot other men or been shot themselves; a few ran for office and got elected, like Llewellen and Luna in New Mexico, or defeated, like Brodie and Wilcox in Arizona; some have been trying hard to get to the Philippines; some have returned to college, or to the law, or the factory, or the counting-room; most of them have gone back to the mine, the ranch, and the hunting camp; and the great majority have taken up the threads of their lives where they dropped them when the Maine was blown up and the country called to arms.