Sketches of Western North Carolina, Historical and Biographical eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 386 pages of information about Sketches of Western North Carolina, Historical and Biographical.

Sketches of Western North Carolina, Historical and Biographical eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 386 pages of information about Sketches of Western North Carolina, Historical and Biographical.
“Captain, Charles Polk. 1st Lieut, William Ramsey. 2nd Lieut., John Lemmond. 1st Sergt, John Montgomery 2nd Sergt., William Galbraith (erased).  Drummer, Hugh Lindsay.  John Smith.  John Polk, Sen. (erased).  John Wylie.  John Findley.  John Galbraith.  James Hall.  John Stansill.  William ——­ (illegible).  John Miller.  Humphrey Hunter.  Henry Carter.  James Maxwell.  John Maxwell.  Robert Galbraith.  John McCandlis.  Nicholas Siler.  Samuel Linton.  Thomas Shelby.  James Alexander.  Robert Harris, Jun.  John Foard.  Jonathan Buckaloe.  Charles Alexander, Sen.  Henry Powell.  William Rea.  Samuel Hughes.  Charles Alexander, Jun.  William Shields.  Charles Polk, Jun.  John Purser.  William Lemmond, ’Clerk to the said company, and Shurgeon to y’e

Remarks.—­The whole expense of Captain Polk’s company in this campaign for sixty-five days, including the hire of three wagons at 16s. each per day, and two thousand and five rations, at 8d. each, amounted to L683 9s. 8d.  The account was proven, according to law, before Colonel Adam Alexander, one of the magistrates of the county, and audited and countersigned by Ephraim Alexander, George Mitchell and James Jack, the bearer of the Mecklenburg Declaration to Congress.  The pay of a Captain was then 10s. per day; of a 1st and 2nd Lieutenant, 7s. each; of a first Sergeant, 6s. 6d.; of a 2nd Sergeant, 5s. 6d.; of the Clerk and “Shurgeon,” 6s. 6d.; and of each private, 5s.

James Hall, one of the privates in this expedition, afterward became a distinguished Presbyterian minister of the gospel, and was elected on two occasions by his own congregation, in pressing emergencies, to the captaincy of a company, and acted as chaplain of the forces with which he was associated.  The late Rev. John Robinson, of Poplar Tent Church, in Cabarrus county, in speaking of him, said, “when a boy at school in Charlotte (Queen’s Museum), I saw James Hall pass through the town, with his three-cornered hat, the captain of a company and chaplain of the regiment.”  In Captain Polk’s manuscript journal of his march, under Gen. Rutherford, through the mountains of North Carolina, then the unconquered haunts of wild beasts and savage Indians, he says:  “On September 15th, 1776, Mr. Hall preached a sermon,” prompted, as it appears, by the death of one of Captain Irwin’s men on the day before.

This was probably the first sermon ever heard in these secluded mountainous valleys, now busy with the hum of civilized life. (See sketch of his services under “Iredell County.”)

Humphrey Hunter, first a private and afterward lieutenant in Captain Robert Mebane’s company in this expedition, also became an eminent minister of the gospel, and presided at the semi-centennial celebration of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, on the 20th of May, 1825. (See sketch of his services under Gaston county.)

Project Gutenberg
Sketches of Western North Carolina, Historical and Biographical from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.