The Boy Scouts with the Motion Picture Players eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 105 pages of information about The Boy Scouts with the Motion Picture Players.

The Boy Scouts with the Motion Picture Players eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 105 pages of information about The Boy Scouts with the Motion Picture Players.

“You bet it, will,” asserted Monkey Stallings stoutly.  “I always did think I’d like to spend just one night in a house they said was haunted.  To tell you the honest-truth I’m real glad you asked me to come along, Alec, even if there does seem to be a queer feeling running up and down my backbone.  I never knew the like before save that time I was dared to walk through the graveyard at midnight, and some fellows tried to scare me with their old sheets.  Huh!  I had made sure to carry Tige, my bulldog, hid under my coat, and I just let him loose.  It makes me sick with laughing even now when I remember how those sillies tore off, with that pup snapping at their legs.”

“I’m glad to notice,” said Billy, just then, “that we can fasten both doors to this lower room, if we feel like it.  You see, they’ve got bolts that can be shot into the sockets.”

“Shucks!” mocked Alec, disdainfully.  “What good are locks and bars and bolts when they say a ghost can ooze itself in through a keyhole even?  But then don’t get an idea in your head, Billy, we’re going to be bothered by anything except rats.  That’s the only kind of spooks you’ll find in such a place as this.  And after we’ve had our supper I hope you’ll all accompany me while I take some views of the interior, because several of the rooms are going to make dandy pictures.”

So supper was cooked after their customary camp style, only in this instance, while the scouts had a roof overhead, and stout stone walls surrounding them, they missed the whispering of the treetops, as well as the star-studded sky.

Afterwards they gladly helped the aspiring photographer while he made good use of his flashlight apparatus.  Alec chose certain apartments in which he fancied his wealthy and eccentric aunt would be most interested.  He also declared himself satisfied in the end that he had succeeded in getting some views that ought to turn out “gilt-edged.”

The mansion was unfurnished, so that they had no chance of finding sleeping quarters or beds of any kind above.  Whoever now owned the place had removed all such articles long since, possibly to prevent tramps from finding an inducement to lodge in the deserted and lonely, castle.

However, this was nothing serious to fellows who had camped many a time among the rocks, where they were even debarred from having hemlock browse for a soft mattress.

“We’ll try the floor to-night, boys,” said Hugh, as he started to spread his blanket out in regulation style.  “If it proves to be too hard for us, perhaps we can put in the second night outdoors somewhere.  That will depend on the weather, for we have no tent to keep the rain or snow off, you remember.”

The others hastened to copy his example, for they were all fairly sleepy.  Billy told himself that he would very likely lie awake all nightlong, because he felt sure something strange was bound to happen to them.  He was shrewd enough to arrange his blanket bed directly in the middle, so that he had a pair of chums on either side of him.  If the others noticed this sign of weakness they kindly overlooked it.  Perhaps, to tell the truth about it, Monkey Stallings and Arthur Cameron were themselves not entirely free from uneasiness, and deep down in their hearts wished the night well over with.

Project Gutenberg
The Boy Scouts with the Motion Picture Players from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.