The Boy Scouts of the Flying Squadron eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 102 pages of information about The Boy Scouts of the Flying Squadron.

The Boy Scouts of the Flying Squadron eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 102 pages of information about The Boy Scouts of the Flying Squadron.

Bud outdid himself in shouting, he was so tickled over the success of Ralph’s plan.  Twice he raised the double-barrel shotgun belonging to Ralph, which the other had placed in his hands for safe-keeping before starting to evict the unwelcome guest who had taken to using their shack during their temporary absence.  Of course after what Hugh had said, about not wanting to injure the bear, backed up as he had been by the third scout, it was far from Bud’s intention to pull either trigger, and wound the poor beast.  But just like most boys he wanted to boast afterwards as to what “terrible things” he could have done had he cared to take the trouble.

The bear must have received more or less of a shock, what with the smoke, and that volley of shouts greeting his appearance outside the cabin; for the way he galloped away was indeed comical.

Hugh laughed heartily, and then as Ralph jumped off the low roof of the shack to join them, he complimented the one-time trapper on his knowledge of Bruin’s weak spots.

“Oh! that’s an old story,” Ralph declared.  “You never want to forget that all savage animals, except, perhaps the two-horned rhinoceros, which of course we don’t have in this country, are afraid of fire.  With a blazing torch you can pass safely through a woods where half a dozen hungry panthers are jumping about through the trees following you, but nine times out of ten not daring to make a leap as long as you swing that fire stick around your head.”

“Is that so?” Bud remarked; and then quickly added:  “But how about the tenth time, Ralph?”

“Oh! well,” said the other, with a chuckle, “I guess they might take chances of the fire, and get you the tenth time, Bud.  But it’s the best thing you can ever do if you’re besieged by wolves, or any wild animals.”

“Well,” Hugh interrupted, “now that our unwelcome visitor has taken his departure, and the cabin can be entered, let’s get what truck we have left there together, and be heading for the road.”

They found that the bear had made inroads with regard to some of their provisions, but as they happened to be homeward bound it did not matter much.  The rest of the things they gathered up, and were again ready for a continuance of their journey home.

Once more they were on the tramp.  Having nothing to carry, made things very easy for all hands.  The miles they had to cover before reaching the road that would take them back to town did not appall them in the least, for they were used to making long hikes; besides, they had so much to talk about that almost before realizing it they had arrived at the first sign of civilization in the shape of the turnpike.

Half a mile down this road was a farmhouse, where Hugh fancied they might hire some sort of conveyance to take them home.  If this could not be had, possibly the up-to-date farmer had telephone connections with town, and over the wire they might influence the owner of the livery stable to send out a rig to take care of them.

Project Gutenberg
The Boy Scouts of the Flying Squadron from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.