The Moon-Voyage eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 384 pages of information about The Moon-Voyage.

The Moon-Voyage eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 384 pages of information about The Moon-Voyage.

Turkey behaved generously, but she was personally interested in the business; the moon, in fact, rules the course of her years and her Ramadan fast.  She could do no less than give 1,372,640 piastres, and she gave them with an ardour that betrayed, however, a certain pressure from the Government of the Porte.

Belgium distinguished herself amongst all the second order of States by a gift of 513,000 francs, about one penny and a fraction for each inhabitant.

Holland and her colonies contributed 110,000 florins, only demanding a discount of five per cent., as she paid ready money.

Denmark, rather confined for room, gave, notwithstanding, 9,000 ducats, proving her love for scientific experiments.

The Germanic Confederation subscribed 34,285 florins; more could not be asked from her; besides, she would not have given more.

Although in embarrassed circumstances, Italy found 2,000,000 francs in her children’s pockets, but by turning them well inside out.  If she had then possessed Venetia she would have given more, but she did not yet possess Venetia.

The Pontifical States thought they could not send less than 7,040 Roman crowns, and Portugal pushed her devotion to the extent of 3,000 cruzades.

Mexico gent the widow’s mite, 86 piastres; but empires in course of formation are always in rather embarrassed circumstances.

Switzerland sent the modest sum of 257 francs to the American scheme.  It must be frankly stated that Switzerland only looked upon the practical side of the operation; the action of sending a bullet to the moon did not seem of a nature sufficient for the establishing of any communication with the Queen of Night, so Switzerland thought it imprudent to engage capital in an enterprise depending upon such uncertain events.  After all, Switzerland was, perhaps, right.

As to Spain, she found it impossible to get together more than 110 reals.  She gave as an excuse that she had her railways to finish.  The truth is that science is not looked upon very favourably in that country; it is still a little behindhand.  And then certain Spaniards, and not the most ignorant either, had no clear conception of the size of the projectile compared with that of the moon; they feared it might disturb the satellite from her orbit, and make her fall on to the surface of the terrestrial globe.  In that case it was better to have nothing to do with it, which they carried out, with that small exception.

England alone remained.  The contemptuous antipathy with which she received Barbicane’s proposition is known.  The English have but a single mind in their 25,000,000 of bodies which Great Britain contains.  They gave it to be understood that the enterprise of the Gun Club was contrary “to the principle of non-intervention,” and they did not subscribe a single farthing.

At this news the Gun Club contented itself with shrugging its shoulders, and returned to its great work.  When South America—­that is to say, Peru, Chili, Brazil, the provinces of La Plata and Columbia—­had poured into their hands their quota of 300,000 dollars, it found itself possessed of a considerable capital of which the following is a statement:—­

Project Gutenberg
The Moon-Voyage from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.