Elizabethan Sea Dogs eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 190 pages of information about Elizabethan Sea Dogs.

Elizabethan Sea Dogs eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 190 pages of information about Elizabethan Sea Dogs.
     crosses from Africa to West Indies, 88;
     clashes with Spaniards at Rio de la Hacha, 88;
     at Cartagena, 89;
     at St. John de Ulua, 89;
     fight with the Spaniards, 90 et seq.;
     parted from Drake in a storm, 93;
     leaves part of his men ashore, 93;
     voyage ends in disaster, 94;
     strikes another blow at Spain (1595), 223;
     unhappily combined with Drake, 224;
     sails for New Spain 226;
     dies, 226;
     bibliography, 243

   Hawkins, Sir Richard, grandson of William Hawkins, 35

   Hawkins, William, story of, in Hakluyt Voyages, 33 et seq.;
     father of Sir John Hawkins, 34;
     grandfather of Sir Richard Hawkins, 35,
     and of the second William Hawkins, 35

   Hawkins, William, the Second, grandson of William Hawkins, 35

   Henry IV of France, 223

   Henry VII, Cabot enters service of, 3;
     refuses to patronize Columbus, 4;
     gives patent to the Cabots, 4-6

   Henry VIII, the monarch of the sea, 20;
     establishes a modern fleet and the office of the Admiralty, 21;
     a patron of sailors, 22;
     menaced by Scotland, France, and Spain, 25;
     defies the Pope, 25;
     defies Francis I, 26;
     birth of modern sea-power (1545), 28;
     and the voyage of Hawkins, 33-34;
     as a patron of the Navy, 232 et seq.

   Henry Grace a Dieu, The, ship, 234

   Honduras, 156, 228

   Hore, his voyage to America, 33 et seq.

   Hortop, Job, 94

   Howard of Effingham, Lord, 31, 176, 189, 197

   Hudson Strait, Sebastian Cabot misses, 12

   India, Sebastian Cabot searches for passage to, 11

   Ingram, David, 94

   Inquisition, Spanish, 29, 73

   Ireland, 147, 191

   Jackman, 122

   James I of England, 216, 218

   Jefferys, Thomas, 66

   Jesus, The, ship, see Jesus of Lubeck

   Jesus of Lubeck, The, ship, 75, 76, 86, 89, 91 et seq.

   Judith, The, ship, 86, 92 et seq., 98

   Knollys, 154

   La Dragontea, by Lope de Vega, 157

   La Hacha, 156, 227

   Lane, Ralph, 162, 196, 212

   La Rochelle, 100

   Laudonniere, Rene de, 82 et seq.

   Leicester, Earl, of, 146, 164, 176

   Lepanto, 117, 185

   Lima, 130, 135, 144

   Lines of Torres Vedras, 194

   Lisbon, 144, 168, 192, 223 et seq.

   Lloyd’s, 59-61

   London merchants, 144, 140, 171, 218

   Lope de Vega, 157

   Madrid, 86, 172

   Magellan, Strait of, 120, 127, 128

   Manoa, 221, 222

   Map, Juan de la Cosa’s earliest
     dated (1500) map of America,
     14; of world by Sebastian
     Cabot (1544), 15; of America
     by Thomas Jefferys, 66

Project Gutenberg
Elizabethan Sea Dogs from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.