The Master's Indwelling eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 161 pages of information about The Master's Indwelling.

The Master's Indwelling eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 161 pages of information about The Master's Indwelling.

With the word surrender there seems always to be a larger and more comprehensive meaning.  We do not succeed in carrying out our intentions, and afterward we take back one thing and another until we have lost sight of our original intention.  Beloved Christians, let Christ Jesus have all.  Let Him have your whole heart, with its affections; He Himself loves, with more than the love of Jonathan.  Let Him have your whole heart, saying, “Jesus, every fiber of my being, ever power of my soul, shall be devoted to Thee.”  He will accept that surrender.  He spoke a solemn word:  “You must hate father and mother.”  Say you to-day:  “Lord Jesus, the love to father and mother, to wife and child, to brother and sister, I give up to Thee.  Teach Thou me how to love Thee.  I have only one desire, which is to love Thee.  I want to give my whole heart to be full of Thy love.”

But when you have given your heart, there is yet more to give.  There is the head—­the brain with its thoughts.  I believe Christians do not know how much they rob Christ of in reading so much of the literature of the world.  They are often so occupied with their newspapers that the Bible gets a very small place.  Oh, friends, I beseech you bring this noble power which God has given you, the power of a mind that can think heavenly, eternal, and infinite things, and lay it at the feet of Jesus, saying, “Lord Jesus, every faculty of my being I want to surrender to Thee, that Thou shouldst teach me what to think, and how to think, for Thee and Thy Kingdom.”  Bless God, there are men who have given their intellect to Jesus, and it has been accepted by Him.  And in this connection there is my whole outer life.  There is my relation to society, my position among men, my intercourse in my own home, with friends and family; there is my money, my time, my business; all these should be put in the hands of Jesus.  One cannot know beforehand the blessedness of this surrender, but blessed it surely is.  Come, because He is worthy; come because you know you can not keep things right yourself, and make Christ master over all you have.  Give father and mother, wife and child, house and land, and money, all to Jesus, and you will find that in giving all you receive it back an hundred fold.

Thirdly, look at the blessing of the entire surrender.  You have here the remarkable words:  “And it came to pass from the time that Potiphar made Joseph overseer over all that he had, that the Lord blessed the Egyptian’s house for Joseph’s sake, and the blessing of the Lord was upon all that he had in the house, and in the field.”  I ask you Christians, If God did this to that heathen man, because he honored Joseph; if God, for Joseph’s sake, blessed that Egyptian in this wonderful way, may a Christian not venture to say:  “If I put my life into the hands of Jesus, I am sure God will bless all that I have?” Oh, dare to say it.  Potiphar trusted Joseph implicitly and absolutely, and there was prosperity everywhere, because God was with Joseph.  Beloved friends, if you but surrender everything, depend upon it, the blessing from that time will be yours.  There will be a blessing within your own inner life, and a blessing in your outer life.  He blessed Potiphar in the house, in the field, everywhere.

Project Gutenberg
The Master's Indwelling from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.