The World's Greatest Books — Volume 12 — Modern History eBook

Arthur Mee
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 330 pages of information about The World's Greatest Books — Volume 12 — Modern History.

The World's Greatest Books — Volume 12 — Modern History eBook

Arthur Mee
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 330 pages of information about The World's Greatest Books — Volume 12 — Modern History.

One of the earliest measures of Philip’s reign was to re-enact the dread edict of 1550.  This he did by the express advice of the Bishop of Arras.  The edict set forth that no one should print, write, copy, keep, conceal, sell, buy, or give in churches, streets, or other places any book or writing by Luther, Calvin, and other heretics reprobated by the Holy Church; nor break, or injure the images of the Holy Virgin or canonised saints; nor in his house hold conventicles, or be present at any such, in which heretics or their adherents taught, baptised, or formed conspiracies, against the Holy Church and the general welfare.  Further, all lay persons were forbidden to converse or dispute concerning the Holy Scriptures openly or secretly, or to read, teach, or expound them; or to preach, or to entertain any of the opinions of the heretics.

Disobedience to this edict was to be punished as follows.  Men to be executed with the sword, and women to be buried alive if they do not persist in their errors; if they do persist in them, then they are to be executed with fire, and all their property in both cases is to be confiscated to the crown.  Those who failed to betray the suspected were to be liable to the same punishment, as also those who lodged, furnished with food, or favoured anyone suspected of being a heretic.  Informers and traitors against suspected persons were to be entitled on conviction to one-half of the property of the accused.

At first, however, the edict was not vigorously carried into effect anywhere.  It was openly resisted in Holland; its proclamation was flatly refused in Antwerp, and repudiated throughout Brabant.  This disobedience was in the meantime tolerated because Philip wanted money to carry on the war between Spain and France which shortly afterwards broke out.  At the close of the war, a treaty was entered into between France and Spain by which Philip and Henry II. bound themselves to maintain the Catholic worship inviolate by all means in their power, and to extinguish the increasing heresy in both kingdoms.  There was a secret agreement to arrange for the Huguenot chiefs throughout the realms of both, a “Sicilian Vespers” upon the first favourable occasion.

Henry died of a wound received from Montgomery in a tournay held to celebrate the conclusion of the treaty, and Catherine de Medici became Queen-Regent of France, and deferred carrying out the secret plot till St. Bartholomew’s Day fourteen years after.

II.—­The Netherlands Are, and Will Be, Free

Philip now set about the organisation of the Netherlands provinces.  Margaret, Duchess of Parma, was appointed regent, with three boards, a state council, a privy council, and a council of finance, to assist in the government.  It soon became evident that the real power of the government was exclusively in the hands of the Consulta—­a committee of three members of the state council, by whose deliberation the regent was secretly to be guided on all important occasions; but in reality the conclave consisted of Anthony Perrenot, Bishop of Arras, afterwards Cardinal Granvelle.  Stadtholders were appointed to the different provinces, of whom only Count Egmont for Flanders and William of Orange for Holland need be mentioned.

Project Gutenberg
The World's Greatest Books — Volume 12 — Modern History from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.