Quiet Talks about Jesus eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 263 pages of information about Quiet Talks about Jesus.

Quiet Talks about Jesus eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 263 pages of information about Quiet Talks about Jesus.

God is wise, all-wise.  Among the finest passages of the’ Christian’s classic are those that represent God as personified wisdom.  And here wisdom includes all knowledge and justice.  That the Spirit of God breathed into man His own mental life is stated most keenly by the man who proverbially embodied in himself this quality of wisdom.  “The spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord searching out the innermost parts.”  The allusion is clearly to intellectual powers.  There is in man the same quality of mental keenness that searches into things as is in God.  It is often dulled, gripped by a sort of stupor, so overlaid you would hardly guess it was there.  But, too, as we all know, it often shines out with a startling brilliance.  It is less in degree than with God, but it is the same thing, a bit of God in man.  This explains man’s marvellous achievements in literature, in invention, in science, and in organization.

Two light master-strokes of the etching point in the Eden picture reveal the whole mental equipment of the man.  The only sayings of Adam’s preserved for us are when God brought to him the woman.  She is the occasion for sayings that reveal the mental powers of this first man.  Fittingly it is so.  Woman, when true to herself, has ever been the occasion for bringing out the best in man.  “And the man said, this time it is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; this shall be called woman, because out of man was this one taken.  Therefore doth a man leave his father and his mother and cleave unto his wife, and they become one flesh.” ...  “And the man called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.”  Here is revealed at a glance the keen mental powers at work.  Here is the simplicity of statement that marks the speech of strong men.  The whole forest is in a single acorn.  The whole of a human life is in the primal cell.  The chemist knows the whole body by looking into one drop of blood.  Here is revealed in one glance the whole man.  Mark the keen sense of fitness in the naming of woman—­the last and highest creation.  Adam was a philologist.  His mind was analytical.  Inferentially the same keen sense of fitness guided in all the names he had chosen.  Here is recognition of the plan for the whole race, a simple unlabored foresight into its growth.  A man’s relation to his wife, his God-chosen friend, as being the closest of life, and above all others is recognized, together with the consequent obligation upon him.  She comes first of all.  She becomes the first of all his relationships.  The man and the woman—­one man and one woman—­united, make the true unit of society.  Any disturbance of that strikes at the very vitals of society.

And God is a Sovereign—­the sovereign of the vast swing of worlds. Man likewise is a sovereign in the realm of nature, and over all the lower creation.  He was given dominion, kingship, over all the earth-creation.  Man is a king.  He is of the blood royal.  He was made to command, to administrate, to reign.  He is the judge of last appeals on the bench of earth.

Project Gutenberg
Quiet Talks about Jesus from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.