The Boy Allies in Great Peril eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 197 pages of information about The Boy Allies in Great Peril.

The Boy Allies in Great Peril eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 197 pages of information about The Boy Allies in Great Peril.

“He was,” was the grim reply, “but the next time I get my hands on him there will be a different story to tell.  Why, he’s a madman when he gets started.”

“Then I would advise you to keep away from him,” said Hal.

The sound of footsteps outside the door prevented Robard from replying.  Levelling a revolver at the lads, he motioned them to be silent, and took up a position at the side of the hall, where he would be concealed by the door when it swung inward.

A hand turned the knob and the door swung back.  Uncle John’s face appeared in the doorway.  He saw Hal and Chester immediately and advanced with a smile.

“So here you are,” he said.  “Your mothers—­”

The sentence died on his lips as Robard, who had stepped quietly from behind the door, brought the butt of his heavy revolver down upon his head.  Uncle John dropped to the floor like a log.

The action had been so sudden that neither Hal nor Chester had time to give a cry of warning, though both would have done so, in spite of Robard’s command for them to remain quiet.  As Uncle John fell, Chester stepped forward, but he was confronted by the barrel of Robard’s gun.

“Stand back,” said the Austrian.

Chester obeyed.  There was nothing else he could do in the face of certain death should he refuse.

Now Robard called two of his men, and Uncle John was carried into an adjoining room.  Robard motioned Hal and Chester in also.

Uncle John was laid upon the bed, and at a command from Robard, was tightly bound.  Hal and Chester were also tied to chairs, after which Robard took his leave, saying: 

“I’ll see you the first thing in the morning.”

“What are you going to do with us?” demanded Chester.

“I haven’t decided yet,” was the reply.  “But wait.  If you will return me the paper you took from me I shall let you all go now.”

“It’s too late,” said Hal quietly.  “I gave the paper to General Ferrari.”

“I had surmised as much,” said Robard.  “Well, good-night.”

He waved a hand airily and stepped from the room.  Then he turned and poked his head back through the door.

“A word more,” he said.  “In case you should unloose your bonds, I would advise you not to try to escape.  There will be a man on guard here in the hall all night, and another outside, so you cannot leave by the window.”

“Thanks,” said Hal dryly.

Robard withdrew his head and a key grated in the lock.

“Well, now what are we going to do?” asked Hal.

“You’ve got me,” replied Chester.  “Say, do you know this reminds me of old times—­of the days in France, Belgium and Russia.”

“You bet,” agreed Hal, “and those were the good old days.”

At this juncture Uncle John moaned feebly and his eyelids fluttered.  A moment later the lids opened and he gazed at Hal and Chester curiously.  Then the light of comprehension dawned upon his face and he spoke: 

Project Gutenberg
The Boy Allies in Great Peril from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.