Heritage of the Desert eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 309 pages of information about Heritage of the Desert.

Heritage of the Desert eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 309 pages of information about Heritage of the Desert.

“Things have gone bad for me,” replied Snap, sullenly, shifting in his saddle.  “I reckon I’ll do better to cut out alone for myself.”

“You crooked cur!  But you’re only my half-brother, after all.  I always knew you’d come to something bad, but I never thought you’d disgrace the Naabs and break your father’s heart.  Now then, what do you want here?  Be quick.  This’s our range and you and your boss can’t ride here.  You can’t even water your horses.  Out with it!”

At this, Hare, who had been so absorbed as to forget himself, suddenly felt a cold tightening of the skin of his face, and a hard swell of his breast.  The dance of Snap’s eyes, the downward flit of his hand seemed instantaneous with a red flash and loud report.  Instinctively Hare dodged, but the light impact of something like a puff of air gave place to a tearing hot agony.  Then he slipped down, back to the stone, with a bloody hand fumbling at his breast.

Dave leaped with tigerish agility, and knocking up the levelled Colt, held Snap as in a vise.  George Naab gave Holderness’s horse a sharp kick which made the mettlesome beast jump so suddenly that his rider was nearly unseated.  Zeke ran to Hare and laid him back against the stone.

“Cool down, there!” ordered Zeke.  “He’s done for.”

“My God—­my God!” cried Dave, in a broken voice.  “Not—­not dead?”

“Shot through the heart!”

Dave Naab flung Snap backward, almost off his horse.  “D—­n you! run, or I’ll kill you.  And you, Holderness!  Remember!  If we ever meet again—­you draw!” He tore a branch from a cedar and slashed both horses.  They plunged out of the glade, and clattering over the stones, brushing the cedars, disappeared.  Dave groped blindly back toward his brothers.

“Zeke, this’s awful.  Another murder by Snap!  And my friend! . . .  Who’s to tell father?”

Then Hare sat up, leaning against the stone, his shirt open and his bare shoulder bloody; his face was pale, but his eyes were smiling.  “Cheer up, Dave.  I’m not dead yet.”

“Sure he’s not,” said Zeke.  “He ducked none too soon, or too late, and caught the bullet high up in the shoulder.”

Dave sat down very quietly without a word, and the hand he laid on Hare’s knee shook a little.

“When I saw George go for his gun,” went on Zeke, “I knew there’d be a lively time in a minute if it wasn’t stopped, so I just said Jack was dead.”

“Do you think they came over to get me?” asked Hare.

“No doubt,” replied Dave, lifting his face and wiping the sweat from his brow.  “I knew that from the first, but I was so dazed by Snap’s going over to Holderness that I couldn’t keep my wits, and I didn’t mark Snap edging over till too late.”

“Listen, I hear horses,” said Zeke, looking up from his task over Hare’s wound.

“It’s Billy, up on the home trail,” added George “Yes, and there’s father with him.  Good Lord, must we tell him about Snap?”

Project Gutenberg
Heritage of the Desert from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.