Betty Zane eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 376 pages of information about Betty Zane.

Betty Zane eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 376 pages of information about Betty Zane.

“There is a great need of education in all the pioneers’ homes.  I have persuaded brother Eb to have a schoolteacher at the Fort next spring.”

“First teach the boys to plow and the girls to make Johnny cake.  How much you favor your brother Isaac.  He used to come and see me often.  So must you in summertime.  Poor lad, I suppose he is dead by this time.  I have seen so many brave and good lads go.  There now, I did not mean to make you sad,” and the old lady patted Betty’s hand and sighed.

“He often spoke of you and said that I must come with him to see you.  Now he is gone,” said Betty.

“Yes, he is gone, Betty, but you must not be sad while you are so young.  Wait until you are old like I am.  How long have you known Lew Wetzel?”

“All my life.  He used to carry me in his arm, when I was a baby.  Of course I do not remember that, but as far back as I can go in memory I can see Lew.  Oh, the many times he has saved me from disaster!  But why do you ask?”

“I think Lew Wetzel cares more for you than for all the world.  He is as silent as an Indian, but I am an old woman and I can read men’s hearts.  If he could be made to give up his wandering life he would be the best man on the border.”

“Oh, indeed I think you are wrong.  Lew does not care for me in that way,” said Betty, surprised and troubled by the old lady’s vehemence.

A loud blast from a hunting-horn directed the attention of all to the platform at the upper end of the hall, where Dan Watkins stood.  The fiddlers ceased playing, the dancers stopped, and all looked expectantly.  The scene was simple strong, and earnest.  The light in the eyes of these maidens shone like the light from the pine cones on the walls.  It beamed soft and warm.  These fearless sons of the wilderness, these sturdy sons of progress, standing there clasping the hands of their partners and with faces glowing with happiness, forgetful of all save the enjoyment of the moment, were ready to go out on the morrow and battle unto the death for the homes and the lives of their loved ones.

“Friends,” said Dan when the hum of voices had ceased “I never thought as how I’d have to get up here and make a speech to-night or I might have taken to the woods.  Howsomever, mother and Susan says as it’s gettin’ late it’s about time we had some supper.  Somewhere in the big cake is hid a gold ring.  If one of the girls gets it she can keep it as a gift from Susan, and should one of the boys find it he may make a present to his best girl.  And in the bargain he gets to kiss Susan.  She made some objection about this and said that part of the game didn’t go, but I reckon the lucky young man will decide that for hisself.  And now to the festal board.”

Ample justice was done to the turkey, the venison, and the bear meat.  Grandmother Watkins’ delicious apple and pumpkin pies for which she was renowned, disappeared as by magic.  Likewise the cakes and the sweet cider and the apple butter vanished.

Project Gutenberg
Betty Zane from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.