The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 27 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.

The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 27 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.

Babylon, Willows of, 411. 
Backwoodsman of America, 201. 
Ballad Singing, English, 370. 
Bamborough Castle described, 327. 
Bankrupt Court, the New, 159. 
Bankside, Old, 193. 
Barbarous Punishments, 253. 
Bardic Chorus, 100. 
Barn Owl, economy of, 27—­38. 
Barton Booth, the actor, 192. 
Bathing, Nocturnal, 347. 
  errors respecting, 179
  Polar, habits of, 114. 
Bed of Leaves, 207. 
Bedford Level, 192
  Missal, 192. 
Bell-rock Lighthouse, 182. 
Beranger, Song from, 370. 
Beulah Spa, near Norwood, 225. 
Bills of Mortality, Origin of, 76. 
Biography, Splendid, 303. 
Birds, Structure of, 311. 
Birmingham Railway, 190. 
Birth Song, 168. 
Black Monday, 208. 
Blondel de Nesle, a ballad, 28. 
Blunder, Conversational, 292. 
Bonington, the artist, 168. 
Books, New, noticed and quoted: 
  Adventures of a Younger Son, 157—­172. 
  Advice to Executors, 270. 
  Annual Biography and Obituary, for 1832, 40. 
  Arlington, 407. 
  Bath Guide, New, 94. 
  Book of Instruction, 93. 
  Britain’s Historical Drama, 100. 
  British Relations with the Chinese Empire, 220. 
  Britton’s Tunbridge Wells, 376. 
  Cabinet Annual Register for 1831, 334. 
  Chantilly, a Novel, 154. 
  Characteristic Sketches of Animals, by Landseer, 386. 
  Contarini Fleming, 429. 
  Contrast, by Earl Mulgrave, 293. 
  Domestic Manners of the Americans, 180—­201. 
  Elements of Chemistry familiarly explained, 152. 
  Eugene Aram, 23—­57—­95—­101—­142. 
  Fair of May Fair, 331. 
  Francis I., a tragedy, by Miss F. Kemble, 170—­185. 
  Frankland’s Visit to Russia and Sweden, 84. 
  Georgian Era, 122—­137—­278. 
  Gleanings in Natural History, 245—­265. 
  Hampden and his times, 140. 
  Herbert’s Country Parson, 93. 
  History of the Reformation in
    England, 9
    Italian Republics, 121
    Spain and Portugal, 398. 
  Hunchback, by J.S.  Knowles, 279. 
  Indian Tale and other Poems, 373. 
  Knowledge for the People, 25—­200—­344. 
  Landers’ Travels in Africa, 126—­216—­231. 
  Life of Gregory VII., by Sir Roger Greisley, 372. 
  Life and Reign of George IV., 280. 
  Lives of Eminent British Military Commanders, 358
    British Painters, 168. 
  Maid of Elvar, by Allan Cunningham, 351. 
  Memoirs of Sir Ralph Esher, 105. 
  Messiah, by Montgomery, 397. 
  Outline of English History, 95. 
  Paris and its Historical Scenes, 69. 
  Pen and Pencil Sketches of India, by Capt.  Mundy, 345. 
  Songs of the Gipsies, 232. 
  Summer Fete, by Moore, 12. 
  Tales of the Alhambra, by Washington Irving, 307—­337 to 342—­361
    Early Ages, 261. 
  Time’s Telescope for 1832, 71. 
  Tour of a German Prince, 143. 
  Transactions of the Society of Arts, 283. 
  Truth of Revelation demonstrated, 382—­409—­427. 

Project Gutenberg
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.