A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 445 pages of information about A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents.

A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 445 pages of information about A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents.

  “January 29—­8.30 p.m.

  “Respectfully referred to the President for such instructions as he
  may be pleased to give.

    “Secretary of War.”

It appears that about the time of placing the foregoing telegram in my hands the Secretary of War dispatched General Ord as follows, to wit: 

    Washington City, January 29, 1865—­10 p.m.
      (Sent at 2 a.m. 30th.)

  Major-General ORD.

SIR:  This Department has no knowledge of any understanding by General Grant to allow any person to come within his lines as commissioner of any sort.  You will therefore allow no one to come into your lines under such character or profession until you receive the President’s instructions, to whom your telegram will be submitted for his directions.

    Secretary of War.

Afterwards, by my direction, the Secretary of War telegraphed General Ord as follows, to wit: 

    Washington, D.C., January 30, 1865—­10.30 a.m.

  Major-General E.O.C.  ORD,
    Headquarters Army of the James.

SIR:  By direction of the President, you are instructed to inform the three gentlemen, Messrs. Stephens, Hunter, and Campbell, that a messenger will be dispatched to them at or near where they now are without unnecessary delay.

    Secretary of War.

Afterwards I prepared and put into the hands of Major Thomas T. Eckert the following instructions and message: 

    Washington, January 30, 1865.

  Major T.T.  ECKERT.

SIR:  You will proceed with the documents placed in your hands, and on reaching General Ord will deliver him the letter addressed to him by the Secretary of War; then, by General Ord’s assistance, procure an interview with Messrs. Stephens, Hunter, and Campbell, or any of them.  Deliver to him or them the paper on which your own letter is written.  Note on the copy which you retain the time of delivery and to whom delivered.  Receive their answer in writing, waiting a reasonable time for it, and which, if it contain their decision to come through without further condition, will be your warrant to ask General Ord to pass them through, as directed in the letter of the Secretary of War to him.  If by their answer they decline to come, or propose other terms, do not have them pass through.  And this being your whole duty, return and report to me.


  CITY POINT, VA., February 1, 1865.


Project Gutenberg
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.