Legends of the Middle Ages eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 462 pages of information about Legends of the Middle Ages.

Legends of the Middle Ages eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 462 pages of information about Legends of the Middle Ages.
ANT’WERP.  Marriage of Else and Lohengrin at, 203. 
AN’ZI-US.  Emperor of Constantinople, 100. 
A-POL’LO.  Marsile worships, 144. 
A-PU’LI-A.  Part of Rother’s kingdom, 89. 
A-QUI-TAINE’.  Walther son of duke of, 124;
  Brutus coasts along, 308. 
AR’ABS.  Huon defeats a band of, 166;
  Spain under the, 282. 
AR’A-GON.  Calahorra cause of quarrel in, 286;
  Don Ramiro of, 286. 
ARDENNES (aer-den’).  Quest for robber knight of the, 134;
  Aymon’s sons take refuge in, 160. 
AR-GO-NAU’TIC EXPEDITION.  In mediaeval literature, 303. 
A’RI-AS GON-ZA’LO, DON.  Receives challenge, 291. 
A-RIB’A-DALE.  Bearer of Holy Grail, 201. 
A-RI-OS’TO.  Version of Roland by, 130;
  Merlin’s fountain mentioned by, 211;
  works of, 302, 307. 
AR’NOLD, MATTHEW.  Treats of Arthurian legend, 204;
  version of Tristan and Iseult, 234. 
AR’THUR.  Dietrich wooes daughter of, 123;
  Ogier joins, 138;
  in Avalon, 139;
  Parzival sets out for court of, 189;
  at Nantes, 191;
  Parzival’s request to, 192;
  Parzival sends conquered knights to, 196;
  knights Parzival, 196;
  Gawain a knight of, 196;
  hears of Gawain’s prowess, 198;
  Parzival visits, 200;
  vain quest for Holy Grail, 201;
  legend of King, 204, 214-233;
  Merlin serves, 205, 210;
  birth of, 210;
  Merlin makes palace and armor for, 211;
  adventures of, 214;
  brought up by Sir Hector, 214;
  comes to London, 215;
  adventure with sword, 215;
  overcomes Gawain, 216;
  secures sword Excalibur, 217;
  victories of, 217;
  marriage of with Guinevere, 217;
  receives Round Table, 217;
  welcomes Lancelot, 220;
  repudiates and reinstates Guinevere, 220;
  questions knights, 225;
  cannot defend Guinevere in judicial duel, 226;
  yearly tournaments of, 226;
  and Elaine, 229;
  quarrels with Lancelot, 229;
  leaves Guinevere with Mordred, 230;
  wars against Mordred. 230;
  mortal wound of. 231;
  disposes of Excalibur, 231;
  departs in barge. 232;
  Philip II.’s oath in favor of. 232;
  buried at Glastonbury. 232;
  Lancelot buried at feet of. 233;
  Tristan a contemporary of, 234;
  Tristan goes to court of. 243;
  Tristan delivers, 244;
  reconciles Mark and Iseult, 244. 
AS’CA-LON.  Huon at, 174. 
A’SI-A.  Monarch of, 179;
  Alexander sets out for, 306. 
ASK’HER.  See Aeschere
AS’LAUG.  Same as Krake;
  story of birth and childhood of, 274;
  prediction of, 275;
  sons of, 275;
  begs that her sons may avenge Agnar and Erik, 276. 
AS’PRI-AN.  King of northern giants, 90;
  and the lion, 90;
  carries off Imelot, 92. 
AS’TO-LAT.  Lancelot at, 227;
  Lancelot comes to, 227;
  Elaine the lily-maid of, 228;
  Gawain comes to, 228. 
AT’LE.  Challenges Frithiof, 260. 
AT’LI.  Same as Etzel, 53. 
Project Gutenberg
Legends of the Middle Ages from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.