A Short History of the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 355 pages of information about A Short History of the United States.

A Short History of the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 355 pages of information about A Short History of the United States.

Kansas, struggle for. 
Kansas-Nebraska Act. 
Kentucky Resolutions. 
Kieft, Dutch governor. 
King Philip’s War. 
King’s Mountain, battle of.

Lake Erie, battle of. 
La Salle, his explorations. 
Lee, R. E., Confederate general. 
Lee, R. H.
Leon, Ponce de. 
Lewis and Clark. 
Lexington, battle of. 
“Liberty,” the, seized. 
Lincoln, Abraham; portrait; early life; Debate with Douglas;
  elected President; first inaugural; Emancipation Proclamation;
  murdered; reconstruction policy. 
Livingston, R. R.; portrait; negotiates Louisiana Purchase. 
Locomotive invented. 
Louisiana; settlement of; ceded to Spain; returned to France;
  purchased by United States. 
Lundy’s Lane, battle of.

Madison, James; portrait; in Federal convention;
  writes Virginia Resolutions; President; his war message. 
Magellan, his great voyage. 
“Maine,” destruction of the. 
Manhattan Island. 
Manila Bay, battle of. 
Manila, captured. 
Maryland Toleration Act. 
Mason and Dixon’s Line. 
Massachusetts Circular Letter. 
Mayflower compact. 
McClellan, General G.B.; portrait; Peninsular Campaign; at Antietam. 
McCormick, C.H., invents horse reaper. 
McKinley, William; portrait; President. 
Meade, General G.G. 
Menendez (mae-nen’deth). 
Mexico; War with; the French in. 
Missouri Compromise. 
“Monitor” and “Merrimac.” 
Monmouth, battle of. 
Monroe Doctrine. 
Monroe, James; portrait; negotiates Louisiana Purchase; President. 
Morgan, General D.. 
Morse, S.F.B. 
Moultrie, General. 
Murfreesboro’, battle of.

Nashville, battle of. 
National debt; origin of; Jefferson and the. 
Neutral commerce. 
Neutrality Proclamation. 
New Amsterdam. 
New England colonies, settlement of. 
New England Confederation. 
New Jersey. 
New Netherland. 
New Orleans; defended by Jackson; captured by Farragut. 
New Sweden. 
New York City; in 1800; in 1830; in 1860. 
Non-Importation agreements. 
Non-Intercourse Act. 
North Carolina. 

Oglethorpe, General. 
Ordinance of 1787. 
Oregon; claims to; divided. 
Oriskany, battle of. 
Otis, James.

Pacific Ocean, discovered. 
Panic; of 1837; of 1873. 
Paris; Peace of (1763); (1783). 
Parson’s cause. 
Parties, political, formation of. 
Peninsular Campaign. 
Penn, William. 
Pennsylvania, settlement of. 
Pequod War. 
Perry, Commodore. 
Petersburg, blockade of. 
Petition, right of. 
Pierce, Franklin; portrait; President; comes out for the Union. 
Pitt, William. 
Plattsburg, battle of. 
Plymouth, settlement of. 
Polk, James K.; portrait; President. 
Polo, Marco. 
Pope, General John. 
Porto Rico, occupied. 
President, how chosen. 
Princeton, battle of. 
Proclamation of 1763. 
Providence, founded. 
Puritans, the.

Project Gutenberg
A Short History of the United States from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.