The Court of Boyville eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 113 pages of information about The Court of Boyville.

The Court of Boyville eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 113 pages of information about The Court of Boyville.


“Say, boys, where’s its bottle?”

The three boys were scuffling for the possession of a piece of rope

He saw Abe catch Jimmy and hold his head under water

He felt his father’s finger under his collar and his own feet shambling

Mrs. Jones stooped to the floor and took her child by an arm

His feet hanging out of the back of the wagon that had held the coffin

His luck was bad

He withdrew from the game and sat alone against the barn

As she turned to her turkey-slicing

The new preacher, for whom the party was made

The first long dress

“Dickey, Dickey, for gracious sake, keep still”

“Did you know my dad was a soldier?”

During the next two hours the boy wandered on the prairie

“Mary Pennington, aged two years, three months, and ten days”

Piggy went to get his flying hat

She stroked his hand and snuggled closer to him

Miss Morgan smiled happily at the clouds

Chased the little girls around the yard with it

She would not have invited Harold Jones to sit and sing with her during the opening hour

Harold Jones

To study his tastes

...  The comradeship ... was beautiful to see

The red-headed Pratt girl

He could only snap chalk in a preoccupied way and listen to his
Heart’s Desire

Piggy was piling up the primary urchins in wiggling, squealing piles

He watched the teacher’s finger crook a signal for the note to be brought forward

... fought boys who were three classes above him ... whipped groups of boys of assorted sizes

Over his mother’s shoulders Piggy saw the hired girl giggle

Her son ate rapidly in silence

His cleanliness pleased his mother and she boasted of it to the mothers of other boys

A little maid in a black-and-red check

Piggy sat on the front porch, and reviewed the entire affair

It began when his Heart’s Desire had fluttered into his autograph album

At this important bit of repartee

His heart was full of bitterness

Throwing sticks in the water to scare the fish

A crawler, a creeper, a toddler, a stumbler, and a sneaker


Mrs. Jones came out to take care of the butter

The sort of boy who would unsex himself by looking at a baby

Jimmy heard Mrs. Jones tell his little sister Annie that morning that she was no longer the baby

His father strutting around town ... bragging of the occurrence that filled the boy with shame

He jumped for the slanting boards with his bare feet, and his heart was glad

He sat on a log and slowly lifted up his foot, twisting his face into an agonized knot

Project Gutenberg
The Court of Boyville from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.