Contigo Pan y Cebolla eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 123 pages of information about Contigo Pan y Cebolla.

Contigo Pan y Cebolla eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 123 pages of information about Contigo Pan y Cebolla.

adolescencia f. adolescence

adonde where

adorado (pp. of adorar) adored

adorar adore

adquirir acquire

adversario m. adversary

adversidad f. adversity

advertir notice

afable affable, kind

afeitar(se) shave

aficion f. fondness, liking; *——­ a* fondness for

afiladura f. sharpening

afilar sharpen

afortunado fortunate

Africa f. Africa

agente m. agent

agitacion f. agitation

agitar agitate

aglomeracion f. heaping up

agobiar oppress

agonia f. agony

agradar please

agradecer be thankful for

agreste rough

agrio sour, bitter

agrupar group

agua f. water

aguador m. water-carrier

agueero m. omen

agujero m. hole

agur colloquial exclamation of farewell (cf.  English So long)

ahi here; de ——­ from this, therefore

ahinco m. earnestness

ahora now, nowadays; *——­ mismo* right now

ahuecar hollow; *——­ la voz* speak in a solemn tone

aire m. air

ajeno foreign, remote; another’s

ajustar adjust, fit, arrange, settle

alabar praise

alameda f. grove of poplar or cottonwood trees; public walk; park

Alcala Galiano, Antonio (1789-1865), noted Spanish statesman and orator

alcanzar attain, reach

alegrar gladden; *—­se* be glad

alegre merry, gay; *——­ de cascos* giddy

alegria f. joy, gladness

alejar remove

aleman German

alfiler m. pin

algo anything; something; somewhat

alguacil m. constable; *——­ mayor* chief constable (an honorary office)

alguacilazgo m. constabulary office

alguien some one

alguno some, any; (with negative) at all, whatever; alguna de las tuyas one of your breaks

alhaja f. jewel

alianza f. engagement

alma f. soul

almondiguilla f. dim. of almondiga (also written albondiga, albondiguilla) little ball of forced meat with rice and egg etc. Albondigas are served in the clear soup in which they have been cooked

Project Gutenberg
Contigo Pan y Cebolla from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.