The International Jewish Cook Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 533 pages of information about The International Jewish Cook Book.

The International Jewish Cook Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 533 pages of information about The International Jewish Cook Book.


Pare a number of peaches and put them whole into a baking-tin, together with layers of bread crumbs and sugar and add a few cloves.  Bake until the top is brown.  Serve with hot butter sauce or cream.


Boil one pound of chestnuts fifteen minutes.  Shell and skin them, then put back on stove with a cup of milk and boil till tender.  Rub through a colander.  Butter a mold, line it with the pulp, then add a layer of apple sauce that has been colored with currant jelly, then another layer of chestnuts, and again apple sauce.  Squeeze lemon juice over all, and bake in a moderate oven.  Turn out on a platter and serve with whipped cream colored with currant jelly.


To one quart of milk add one-half cup of farina, salt, and a small piece of butter.  Boil in a double boiler until thick.  Beat the yolks of four eggs with four tablespoons of white sugar, and add this just before taking off the fire.  Stir it thoroughly, but do not let it boil any more.  Flavor with vanilla.  Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth with pulverized sugar.  After the eggs have been whipped, butter a pudding dish, put in part of the custard, in which you have mixed the whites (If you have any extra whites of eggs beat and use them also), then a layer of stewed or canned peaches; cover with the remaining custard and bake.  Eat with rum sauce.


One and one-half pints of milk with nine level tablespoons of sugar, five bitter and five sweet almonds chopped fine, brought to boiling point, and twelve level tablespoons of farina dropped in slowly and stirred constantly.  Cook for twelve minutes, add vanilla to taste, then add slowly the beaten whites of five eggs.  Put it in a form and when cold serve with a fruit sauce.


To three cups of milk, add half a cup of rice, which you have previously scalded with hot water.  Boil in a double boiler until quite soft.  Beat the yolks of three eggs with three tablespoons of white sugar, add this just before taking it off the fire.  Stir it thoroughly with a wooden spoon, but do not let it boil any more.  Add salt to the rice while boiling, and flavor with vanilla.  Beat the whites of the eggs with powdered sugar to a stiff froth, and after putting the custard into the pudding dish in which you wish to serve it, spread with the beaten whites and let it brown slightly in the oven.


Take one quart of milk, one teaspoon of salt, one cup of sugar and two well-beaten eggs.  Heat this and then pour in slowly one cup of cream of wheat or farina, stirring constantly.  Boil fifteen minutes; then butter a deep pudding dish and put in a layer of stewed prunes—­that have been cut up in small pieces with a scissors; on the bottom, over this, pour a layer of the above, alternating in this order until all has been used.  Bake ten minutes in a hot oven.  Plain cream, not whipped or sweetened, is a delicious sauce for this.

Project Gutenberg
The International Jewish Cook Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.