Friday, the Thirteenth eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 172 pages of information about Friday, the Thirteenth.

Friday, the Thirteenth eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 172 pages of information about Friday, the Thirteenth.

“I gant make out, aldo I haf vatched dem sharp all day.  Dey certainly haf deh lambs lined up right now for any vey dey vont to twist id.  I nefer see a petter market for a deluge.  From Barry’s movements all day I should say dey vould keep hoistin’ her until apout noon to-morrow, unt dat deh might get her up to two-tirty or even to deh two-fifty.  Put dere are von or two topes on deh sheet vhat run deh uder vay.  First der is dey fact you gant run out, dat dere is alreaty on deh Sugar vagon deh piggest load of chuicy suckers dat efer game in from deh suppurbs.  Sharley Pates says if any von hat tapped his Vashington vire er any utter Capitol vire dis veek he vould haf tought dere vas a Senate, House, unt Kabinet roll-gall on.  Deh topes say ‘Cam’ vill nefer led dat fat punch off grafters slite out mit real money if he gan help id unt deh game iss endirely in his hands.”

“I agree with you, Ike.  If I had the steering of this killing I don’t think I would take any chance of tempting them to dump and grab the profits by carrying it much over 200.  But you can’t tell what ‘Cam’ and those four-eyed dentists at 26 Broadway will do.”

“Yes, put der iss anudder t’ing, Cho, dat makes me sit up unt plink about her goin’ ofer two hundred.  To-morrow’s Friday der t’irteenth.”

“Of course, Ike, that is something to be reckoned with, and every man on the floor and in the Street as well has his eye on it.  Friday, the 13th, would break the best bull market ever under way.  You and I know that, Ike, and the dope shows it too, but you have got to stack this up against it on this trip:  no man on the floor knows what Friday the 13th, means better than Barry Conant.  He has worked it to the queen’s taste many a time.  Why, Barry would not eat to-day for fear the food would get stuck in his windpipe.  He’s never left the pole for a minute; but suppose, Ike, Barry has tipped off ‘Cam’ that all the boys will let go their fliers, and most of them will take one on the short side over to-night for a superstition drop at the opening; and suppose ‘Cam’ has told him to take them all into camp and give her a rafter-scraper at the opening, where would old Friday, 13th, land on to-morrow’s dope-sheets?  Bring up the average, wouldn’t it, for five years to come?  I tell you, Ike, she’s too deep for me this run, and I’m goin’ to let her alone and pay for the turkey out of loan commissions or stick to plain workday food.”

“Zame here, Cho.  Say, Cho, haf you noticed Pop Prownlee to-tay?  He has frozen to deh fringe off dat Sugar crowd ess t’ough some von hat nipped ‘is scarf-pin unt he vos layin’ for him ass he game out.  He hasn’t made a trade to-tay unt yet he sticks like a stamp-tax.  I ben keeping my eyes on him for I t’ought he hat someding up his sleeve dat might raise tust ven he tropt id.  I dink Parry has hat deh same itear.  He never loses sight of him, yet Pop hasn’t made a trade to-tay, unt here id iss twenty minutes of der glose unt dere iss Parry in deh centre again whooping her up ofer two hundred unt four.”

Project Gutenberg
Friday, the Thirteenth from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.