Civilization and Beyond eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 282 pages of information about Civilization and Beyond.

Civilization and Beyond eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 282 pages of information about Civilization and Beyond.

   Briere, Yves de la, Grands Imperialismes Contemporaires, Anvers: 
   Association des Licencees de St. Ignace, 1925.

   Brodeur, Arthur G., The Pageant of Civilization, N.Y.: 
   McBride, 1931.

   Brown, Lawrence R., The Might of the West, NY.:  Obolensky,

   Bruce, Maurice, The Shaping of the Modern World 1870-1914,
   N.Y.:  Random House, 1958.

   Brugmans, Hendrik, Les Origines de la Civilization, Liege: 
   Georges Thone, 1958.

   Bryce, James, Holy Roman Empire, London:  MacMillan, 1903.

   Burns, Edward M., Western Civilizations, Their History and
   Their Culture
, N.Y.:  Norton, 1968. 2 vols.

   Burns, Emile, Imperialism, London:  Labor Research Department,

   Callot, Emile, Civilization et Civilizations, Paris:  Berger-Levrault,

   Casson, Stanley, Progress and Catastrophe, London:  Hamilton,

   Chapot, Victor, The Roman World, London:  Paul, 1928.

   Childe, V. Gordon, New Light on the Most Ancient East, London: 
   Kegan Paul, 1934.

   Clough, Shepard B., Basic Values of Western Civilization, N.Y.: 
   Columbia University Press, 1960.

   Clough, Shepard B., Rise and Fall of Civilization, N.Y.:  Columbia
   University Press, 1957.

   Crozier, John B., Civilization and Progress, London:  Longmans,

   Cunningham, William, Western Civilization, Cambridge:  University
   Press, 1900.

   Demangeon, Albert, Le Declin de l’Europe, Paris:  Payot, 1920.

   Dorpsch, Alfons, Economic and Social Foundations of Western
, N.Y.:  Harcourt, 1937.

   Douglas, Sholto O.G., A Theory of Civilization, N.Y.:  MacMillan,

   Elias, Norbert, Uber den Prozess der Zivilisation, Basel:  Falken,

   Farrington, Benjamin, Science and Politics in the Ancient World,
   London:  Allen and Unwin, 1939.

   Fischer, Eric, Passing of the European Age, Cambridge:  Harvard
   University Press, 1943.

   Fleiweiling, Ralph T., The Survival of Western Culture, N.Y.: 
   Harper, 1943.

   Forrest, J.D., Development of Western Civilization, Chicago: 
   University of Chicago Press, 1907.

   Fougeres, Gustav and others, Les Premiers Civilisations, Paris: 
   Alcan, 1926.

   Frank, Tenney, Economic History of Rome, Baltimore:  John
   Hopkins Press, 1927. 2nd ed.

   Frank, Tenney, Roman Imperialism, N.Y.:  MacMillan, 1914.

   Freud, Sigmund, Civilization and its Discontents, N.Y.:  Norton,

Project Gutenberg
Civilization and Beyond from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.