Christ: The Way, the Truth, and the Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 426 pages of information about Christ.

Christ: The Way, the Truth, and the Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 426 pages of information about Christ.
chap. xvii. 9, “Is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?” and which it is God’s prerogative alone to search and try, ver. 10.  Neither let them think, so long as they are here, to win to an exact and perfect knowledge of the mysteries of God, wherein is the manifold wisdom of God, Eph. iii. 10, which very principalities and powers in heavenly places are learning; and which the angels are poring and looking into with desire, 1 Pet. i. 12.  There is no perfection in knowledge to be had here; for here the best but knoweth in part, and prophesieth in part, 1 Cor. xiii. 4.

7.  Let them not think that every one shall have the same measure of knowledge; every one hath not the like use for it, or the like capacity for it.  There is a measure proportioned to every one; they should not then complain, because they have not such a measure of knowledge as they perceive in some others.  It may be, the Lord hath some harder piece of service, which calleth for more knowledge, to put others to.  Let every one then mind his duty faithfully and conscientiously, and let him not quarrel with God, that he attaineth not to such a measure of knowledge as he seeth others attain unto.

8.  Neither let them think, that the same measure is required of all.  For more is required of some, by reason of their office and charge in the house of God, being called to teach and instruct others; and so more is required of such, as have larger capacities, and a better faculty of understanding than others, who naturally are but of a narrow reach, and of a shallow capacity.  More also is required of such as live under plain, powerful, and lively ordinances, and under a more powerful and spiritual dispensation of the grace of God, than of others that want such advantages.  So likewise, more is required of old Christians than of new beginners; old men, of much and long experience, should know more than such as are but babes in Christ and but of yesterday.

9.  Let their desires run out after that knowledge, not which puffeth up,—­for there is a knowledge which puffeth up, 1 Cor. viii. 1,—­but which humbleth, and driveth the soul farther from itself and nearer to Christ.

10.  They should carefully distinguish betwixt the gift of knowledge and the grace of knowledge:  That ordinarily puffeth up, this humbleth; that bringeth not the soul to Jesus, this doth; that is but a form, Rom. ii. 20, and doth not retain God, Rom. i. 28, this is a real thing, laying hold on God and holding him fast, having the fear of the Lord for its principle, for this “fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,” Job. xxviii. 28.  Psalm cxi. 10.  Prov. i. 7, and ix. 10.; that lieth most in the head, and venteth most in discourses, words, yea, and sometimes vanisheth into vain notions, but this goeth down to the heart, and lodgeth there and appeareth in the man’s walk and conversation; as these two would be distinguished, so the one would not be measured by the other.

Project Gutenberg
Christ: The Way, the Truth, and the Life from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.