On the Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection, or, the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 532 pages of information about On the Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection, or, the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.

On the Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection, or, the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 532 pages of information about On the Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection, or, the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.

Anomma, 240.

Antarctic islands, ancient flora of, 399.

Antirrhinum, 161.

Ants:  attending aphides, 211. slave-making instinct, 219.

Ants, neuter, structure of, 236.

Aphides attended by ants, 211.

Aphis, development of, 442.

Apteryx, 182.

Arab horses, 35,

Aralo-Caspian Sea, 339.

Archiac, M. de, on the succession of species, 325.

Artichoke, Jerusalem, 142.

Ascension, plants of, 389.

Asclepias, pollen of, 193.

Asparagus, 359.

Aspicarpa, 417.

Asses, striped, 163.

Ateuchus, 135,

Audubon:  on habits of frigate-bird, 185. on variation in birds’-nests, 212, on heron eating seeds, 387.

Australia:  animals of, 116. dogs of, 215. extinct animals of, 339.  European plants in, 375.

Azara on flies destroying cattle, 72.

Azores, flora of, 363.

Babington, Mr., on British plants, 48.

Balancement of growth, 147.

Bamboo with hooks, 197.

Barberry, flowers of, 98.

Barrande, M. :  on Silurian colonies, 313. on the succession of species, 325. on parallelism of palaeozoic formations, 328. on affinities of ancient species, 330.

Barriers, importance of, 347.

Batrachians on islands, 393.

Bats:  how structure acquired, 180. distribution of, 394.

Bear, catching water-insects, 184.

Bee:  sting of, 202. queen, killing rivals, 202.

Bees fertilising flowers, 73.

Bees:  hive, not sucking the red clover, 95. cell-making instinct, 224. humble, cells of, 225. parasitic, 218.

Beetles:  wingless, in Madeira, 135. with deficient tarsi, 135.

Bentham, Mr. :  on British plants, 48. on classification, 419.

Berkeley, Mr., on seeds in salt-water, 358.

Bermuda, birds of, 391.

Birds:  acquiring fear, 212. annually cross the Atlantic, 364. colour of, on continents, 132. fossil, in caves of Brazil, 339. of Madeira, Bermuda, and Galapagos, 390. song of males, 89. transporting seeds, 361. waders, 386. wingless, 134, 182. with traces of embryonic teeth, 451.

Bizcacha, 349.
affinities of, 429.

Bladder for swimming in fish, 190.

Blindness of cave animals, 137,

Blyth, Mr. :  on distinctness of Indian cattle, 18. on striped Hemionus, 163. on crossed geese, 253.

Boar, shoulder-pad of, 88.

Borrow, Mr., on the Spanish pointer, 35.

Bory St. Vincent on Batrachians, 393.

Bosquet, M., on fossil Chthamalus, 304.

Boulders, erratic, on the Azores, 363.

Branchiae, 190.

Brent, Mr. :  on house-tumblers, 214. on hawks killing pigeons, 362.

Brewer, Dr., on American cuckoo, 217.

Britain, mammals of, 395.

Project Gutenberg
On the Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection, or, the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.