Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals.

Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals.

The two great periodicals published by The Century Co.  Union Square, New York

The Century Magazine

There is always one by which the rest are measured.  In the magazine world, that one has always been and is to-day THE CENTURY.  Ask writers where their best productions are first offered; ask editors which magazine they would rather conduct; ask public men where articles carry most influence; ask artists where they would prefer to be represented; ask the public what magazine is the first choice among people of real influence, and the answer to each question is the same:  “THE CENTURY.”

Are you going to have the best in 1905?

The new volume of THE CENTURY begins with November number.  Yearly subscription, $4.00.  A new serial story by the author of “Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch” begins in December,—­don’t miss it.  New features beginning all the time.

“I do not know any publication where a bright-minded child can get so much profit as in its fascinating pages.”

Hon. JOHN HAY, Secretary of State.

St. Nicholas


Edited by Mary Mapes Dodge

Beautifully Illustrated

Price $3.00 a year

The inspiration of childhood, a supplement to school education, interpreting to the young reader the world of nature, literature, and art in terms he can understand, and omitting only what does not make for true manhood and womanhood.  No prig, but a jolly companion, the joy of healthy boys and girls and a blessing to the lonely child or little invalid. Try it this year.

The new fairy story by the author of “The Wizard of Oz” begins in November,—­superbly illustrated in color; runs through the year.  One of many attractions.

St. Nicholas For Young Folks

[The following is a form inserted loose into the booklet.  It was to be used by agents or subscribers when sending in their orders directly to D. D. Cottrell.]


Three Months’ Subscriptions cost 5 cents more than 1/4 and Six Months’ Subscriptions 5 cents more than 1/2 the price to Agents for one year.

D. D. COTTRELL Periodical Subscription Agency, NORTH COHOCTON, N.Y.

Make all drafts or money-orders payable to D.D.  COTTRELL, North Cohocton, N.Y.

[Note that The D. D. COTTRELL company NO LONGER EXISTS!!!]

Personal Checks are accepted without any charge for collection.  Remit at least twice each week, if possible, as it will save complaints from your subscribers.

Be careful to fill in this blank according to the printed headings.

Write plainly and keep a copy of order.  Write New or Renewal in Old or New Column_

Your Consecutive
Order No._______________________ (Date)___________ 190_______
From ________________________________________________________
Street Address ______________________________________________
Post-Office _______________________ State ___________________

In above space write only name and address of remitter, to whom a receipt for money will be mailed.

Project Gutenberg
Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.