Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals.

Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals.

RULE 11.  PREMIUMS, &C.  Most publishers who give premiums, extra numbers, etc., will allow us to do the same at our wholesale price.  If the publisher charges extra for these, add the extra amount to our wholesale price.  A few publishers do not allow any discount on periodicals with premium.

RULE 12.  PAPERS NOT IN OUR LIST. If you want any periodical not in our list, write us for terms, and we will quote you our wholesale price by return mail.  Or if you have seen it quoted by some one else, send us that price, naming the one making it.

RULE 13.  MISSING NUMBERS.  For all such we would advise the subscribers to write direct to the publishers, (to save time) and they will nearly always send a duplicate, if they do not send it let us know.

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CIRCULARS.  NO. 1.  These we mail to you for 5 cents per hundred which partly pays the cost of mailing.  They are very neatly printed on fine quality of book paper and contain names and publisher’s price only of about 200 of the leading periodicals, with a statement on first page that you can furnish any periodical desired at reasonable rates.

CIRCULARS NO. 2 contain combinations with a place for the agents’ or newsdealers’ name and address.  This we mail prepaid for 5 cents per 100.

MIDGET SELF-INKER.  We cannot print your name and address on the title page of circulars on account of the delay it would cause, but we will supply you a MIDGET SELF-INKING STAMP WITH INK for ONLY 50 CENTS, postpaid.  This stamp will contain a three-line business card and retails generally for 1.00.  It can be used for a great many purposes.

RUBBER STAMPS.  We supply you a rubber stamp suitable for circulars, but not quite as convenient as the MIDGET SELF-INKER.  Two lines, 25 cents; 3 lines, 35 cents; 4 lines, 45 cents:  5 lines, 55 cents, postpaid.  We can furnish all kinds of rubber stamps, pads, etc., at very low prices.

POSTERS Upon request we will mail 5 posters FREE.  These posters state that you take subscriptions for all AMERICAN and FOREIGN periodicals at lowest prices.  A space is left on these posters for you to insert your name and address.  By putting these up in public places you will largely increase your business.

SUBSCRIPTION REGISTER We have an agent’s register with space for 300 names, ruled for entering all subscriptions.  By using this register you always have a complete record of the names address, name of periodical, date sent, price received, etc., of all orders you send to us.  No agent should be without one of these registers.  We will mail one for only 10 cents, or one with space for 600 names for 15 cents.

RENEWAL NOTICES, we furnish postpaid for 10 cents per 100.  They will be a great help in getting renewals from subscribers whose orders you have taken before.  Advise your customers two or three weeks in advance of the expiration of their subscriptions and you will be very sure of receiving their renewals.

Project Gutenberg
Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.