Who Goes There? eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 587 pages of information about Who Goes There?.

Who Goes There? eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 587 pages of information about Who Goes There?.

Nick considered.  The dollar was tempting; as to the note, the sequel showed that he did not regard it of any importance, finally, he said that if I would make it two dollars he would be my man, I felt in my pockets, and found about four dollars, I thought, and at once closed the bargain.

“Now; Nick,” said I, “here is a dollar; go with me and be faithful, and I will give you another before dark to-morrow.”

“I sho’ do it,” said Nick, heartily; “now w’at I hatto do?”

“Where is the first Confederate post?”

“You mean dem Southern sojers?”


“You mean dem dat’s do fust a-gwine up de road, or dem dat’s fust a-comin’ down de road?”

“The nearest to us in this direction,” said I, pointing.

“Dey is ’bout half a mile up dis road,” said Nick.

“Did you see them?”

“I seed ’em fo’ true, but dey didn’t see me.”

“How did you keep them from seeing you?”

“I tuck to do bushes; ef dey see me, dey string me up.”

“How long ago was it since you saw them?”

“Sence sundown,” said Nick,

“When did you leave the breastworks?”

“Las’ night.”

“And you have been a whole day and night getting here?”

“In de daytime I laid up,” said Nick; “caze I dunno w’en I might strak up wid ’em.”

“How far have you come in all?”

“’Bout ’leben or ten mile, I reckon.  I laid up in de Jim Riber swamp all day.”

“Did you have anything to eat?”

“Yassa; but I ain’t got nothin’ now no mo’.”

“Do you know where we can get anything to eat to-morrow?”

“Dat I don’t; how is we a-gwine to hole out widout sum’hm to eat?”

“We must risk it.  I hope we shall not suffer.”

“Dis country ain’t got nothin’ in it,” said Nick; “de folks is almos’ all done gone to Richmon’ er summers[1] en’ I don’t know w’at we’s a-gwine to do; I don’t.  I don’t know w’at we’s a-gwine to do fer sum’hm to eat.  And I don’t know w’at I’s a-gwine to do fer ’bacco nudda.”

[1] Somewhere [Ed.].

“Well, Nick, I can give you a little more tobacco; but I expect you to find something to eat; if you can find it, I will pay for it.”

We were wasting time; I wanted to make a start.

“Now, Nick” said I; “I want to go to Young’s Mill, or as near it as I can get without being seen.”

“Dat all you want to do?” asked Nick.

“No; I want to do that first; then I want to see the breastworks.  First, I want to go to Young’s Mill.”

“W’ich Young’s Mill?” asked Nick; “dey is two of ’em.”


“Yassa; one Young’s Mill is by de chu’ch on de Worrick road; de yudda one is de ole Young’s Mill fudda down on de creek.”

“I want the one on the Warwick road,” said I.

“Den dat’s all right,” said Nick; “all you got to do is to keep dis straight road.”

Project Gutenberg
Who Goes There? from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.