Pastoral Poetry and Pastoral Drama eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 648 pages of information about Pastoral Poetry and Pastoral Drama.

Pastoral Poetry and Pastoral Drama eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 648 pages of information about Pastoral Poetry and Pastoral Drama.

G., T.
Galatea (Cervantes)
Galatea (Lollio)
Gammer Gurton’s Needle
Garcia de Toledo
Garcilaso de la Vega
Gardner, E. G.
Gascoigne, George
Gauricus, Pomponius
Gentle Shepherd
Gerusalemme liberata
Gesta Romanorum
Gifford, William
Ginguene, P. L.
Giornale storico della letteratura italiana
Giovanni del Virgilio
Giraldi Cintio, Giovanni Battista
Giunta, Filippo di
Glapthorne, Henry
Glasgow Peggie
God’s Revenge against Murder
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
Goffe, Thomas
Golden Age (Graham)
Golden Age (Heywood)
Golden Fleece
Golding, Arthur
Gollancz, Israel
Gomersall, Robert
Gonzaga, Cesare
Gonzaga, Elisabetta (wife of Guidubaldo II of Urbino)
Gonzaga, Francesco
Gonzaga, Gianvincenzo, Cardinal
Gonzaga, Isabella
Gonzaga, Scipione
Gonzaga, Vincenzo
Goodere, Anne
Goodwin, Gordon
Googe, Barnabe
Gosse, E. W.
Gosson, Stephen
Gower, Lady
Gower, John
Gozze, Gauges de
Graham, Kenneth
Grateful Servant
Gravina, Gian Vincenzo
Great Plantagenet
Greene, Robert
Gregory XI, Pope
Greville, Dorothy
Greville, Fulke (Lord Brooke)
Grimaldi, Bartolommeo Ceva, Duke of Telese
Grimani, Marin, Doge
Gringore, Pierre
Gripus and Hegio
Grosart, A. B.
Groto, Luigi
Guarini, Alessandro
Guarini, Battista
Guerrini, O.
Guidubaldo I, see Montefeltro, G.
Guidubaldo II, see Rovere, G. della. 
Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden

H., I.
Hall, Edward
Hall, Joseph
Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O.
Hardy, Thomas
Harmony of the Church
Harpelus’ Complaint
Harvey, Gabriel
Harvey, Richard
Harvey, Thomas
Havelok the Dane
Hawes, Stephen
Hazlewood, Joseph
Hazlitt, W. C
Heber, Richard
Henneman, J. B.
Henrietta Maria
Henry VI
Henry VIII, King of England
Henryson, Robert
Henslowe, Philip
Herbert, Sir Henry
Herd, David
Herford, C. H.
Herrick, Robert
Hewlett, Maurice
Heywood, John
Heywood, Thomas
Hiero of Syracuse
Histoire des satyres et nymphes de Diane
Honour’s Academy
Hortis, Attilio
Hospital of Lovers
House of Fame
Howard, Douglas
Howard, Sir Edward
Hunt, Leigh
Hunting of Cupid
Hymen’s Triumph
Hymn to Pan
Hymns in honour of Love and Beauty

Idea Idropica Idyllia (Ausonius) Idyls (Theocritus) Immerito (pseud.) Index, Congregation of the Index Expurgatorius Index Librorum Prohibitorum Inedited Poetical Miscellany Ingegneri, Angelo Inner Temple Masque Innocent VIII, Pope Intricati Intrichi d’ amore Intronati, academy at Siena Iphis and Ianthe Isauro, Fileno di (pseud.) Isle of Dogs Isle of Gulls Ivychurch

Project Gutenberg
Pastoral Poetry and Pastoral Drama from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.