The Principles of Masonic Law eBook

Albert G. Mackey
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 250 pages of information about The Principles of Masonic Law.

The Principles of Masonic Law eBook

Albert G. Mackey
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 250 pages of information about The Principles of Masonic Law.


Bro.:  A. B——­, W.:  Master. " B. C——­, S.:  Warden. " C. D——­, J.:  Warden. " D. E——­, Treasurer. " E. F——­, Secretary. " F. G——­, S.:  Deacon. " G. H——­, J.:  Deacon. " H. I——­, } Stewards. " I. K——­, } " K. L——­, Tiler.

    Bro.:  L. M——­
          M. N——­
          N. O——­
          O. P——­

          P. Q——­
          Q. R——­
          R. S——­
          S. T——­

The Lodge was opened in due form on the third degree of Masonry.

“The minutes of the regular communication of ——­ were read and confirmed.[54]

“The committee on the petition of Mr. C. B., a candidate for initiation, reported favorably, whereupon he was balloted for and duly elected.

“The committee on the application of Mr. D. C., a candidate for initiation, reported favorably, whereupon he was balloted for, and the box appearing foul he was rejected.

“The committee on the application of Mr. E. D., a candidate for initiation, having reported unfavorably, he was declared rejected without a ballot.

“The petition of Mr. F. E., a candidate for initiation, having been withdrawn by his friends, he was declared rejected without a ballot.

“A petition for initiation from Mr. G.F., inclosing the usual amount and recommended by Bros.  C. D.——­ and H. I.——­, was referred to a committee of investigation consisting of Bros.  G. H.——­, L. M.——­, and O. P.——.

“Bro.  S.R., an Entered Apprentice, having applied for advancement, was duly elected to take the second degree; and Bro.  W.Y., a Fellow Craft, was, on his application for advancement, duly elected to take the third degree.

“A letter was read from Mrs. T. V.——­, the widow of a Master Mason, when the sum of twenty dollars was voted for her relief.

“The amendment to article 10, section 5 of the bye-laws, proposed by Bro.  M. N. ——­ at the communication of ——­, was read a third time, adopted by a constitutional majority and ordered to be sent to the Grand Lodge for approval and confirmation.

“The Lodge of Master Masons was then closed, and a lodge of Entered Apprentices opened in due form.

“Mr. C. B., a candidate for initiation, being in waiting, was duly prepared, brought forward and initiated as an Entered Apprentice, he paying the usual fee.

“The Lodge of Entered Apprentices was then closed, and a Lodge of Fellow Crafts opened in due form.

“Bro.  S. R., an Entered Apprentice, being in waiting, was duly prepared, brought forward and passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft, he paying the usual fee.

“The Lodge of Fellow Crafts was then closed, and a lodge of Master Masons opened in due form.

“Bro.  W. Y., a Fellow Craft, being in waiting, was duly prepared, brought forward and raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason, he paying the usual fee.

Project Gutenberg
The Principles of Masonic Law from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.